Elk doorbell board?


Where should I mount this thing, near the doorbell or in the wiring enclosure that's in the Data Closet?  P.S. walls are open still !!
Where is the doorbell transformer? I would mount it there and run a wire to the panel for the zone trigger. You can hide it in a electrical box to clean things up a bit if you want.
You can really mount it anywhere you want as long as it cuts in to the wiring as shown on the install instructions. If you have plenty of real estate in the data closet then there would work also. It's up to you.
Mine is near the bell transformer's common terminal. It triggers if either the front or back bell is activated.
In my case it is is connected to an X10 Powerflash module to sound an X10 Chime Module.
It also works with an Insteon I/OLInc.
Mine too is next to the doorbell transformer.
Every home that I have seen typically has the doorbell transformer in an easy to get to place / box.
Here using the Elk 930/960.  The two boards footprints are tiny.  If I were to install these in a box I would make sure that I could get to all of the little terminals and wires easily on it.