elk vonage and next alarm troubles

By "Fortunately" I meant I am not being slammed by fines when it happens. The county police will fine you for each false alarm.
Digger said:
By "Fortunately" I meant I am not being slammed by fines when it happens. The county police will fine you for each false alarm.
OH, I see. So you aren't monitoring period. Yes, we get fined too, which is why I'm so interested in getting this resolved. ;) However, I'm not sure this would result in fines for most people... I think for MOST people's set-up, if ANY zone is tripped while the alarm is set, then it should be an alarm. The fact that extra zones are showing up as tripping that really aren't is probably just a logging nuisance and source of confusion for most people. For someone like me, who has zones they don't want to trip an alarm even when the alarm is set, the potential exists for false alarms.
I to have non alarm type zones set up for automation etc. So we are in the same boat.

I have to run around and finish off a few things on the system before I go away. Hopefully I wont create any gremlins ;)
After talking to next alarm, I decided to get their ABN adapter since it is the only internet solution that they will support. For those of you who were wondering, it is a regular linksys voip box that appears to have nextalarm setup as the voip carrier.

As far as the Ek issue goes.. I sure hope that they figure out this bug. For those of you who have this problem, I was wondering how long it has been happening. It seems like it stuck everyone recently. Sort of like a Y2K thing ...but 6 and a half years late.
I just had an alarm yesterday at 2:40 am that seems to have multiple zones tripping at the same time but the house seems ok according to a family member who went there. I cant access my panel remotely for some reason. When I try the IP address it doesnt work. Any ideas? Also I cant get in through RP either. I know RM wont work remotely.

Any help would be appreciated as I am FAR FAR away in the land of magic and make believe (Disney).
Is it possible you had some situation where the IP address got recycled? Any way to confirm using another service (FTP, PC Anywhere, etc?).

I'm guessing a live chat via the ISP site after you authenticated perhaps would confirm you current account IP address.

If you have a VOIP phone you can confirm connectivity with the ISP by calling it.

If you have wireless, and are on good terms with neighbors, you might be able to provide the acess and do a RDP connection to their system and then review your own perhaps. Of course if you are filtering mac addresses, this is more problematic.

If the family members who checked out the house are technically savvy that might give you more options. I hear a lot of people say positive things about logmein.com, but have not used it myself. Even a request for help (windows xp) might work.

Not ideal, but perhaps a few ideas to try to get a better picture.
hgupta1 said:
For those of you who have this problem, I was wondering how long it has been happening.
I've only had the panel for about 6 weeks, so it's been hapenning from the beginning for me.

I know the modem and router are working since I called the house. Also I am getting my email alerts from the panel without a hitch. I just cant get the connection for the IP address or RP. I never got a chance to try either remotely only localy at home with my wireless connection. I opened all of the ports that ELK reccomends months ago and locally it worked flawlessly.

It might be a setting or somthing may be restricted by the net access here at Disney.

I have the IP address fixed in case of a power outage etc and have experienced a few over the past few months with no problem with local access so the address is not rolling.
New M1 upgrade software version 4.4.2 should be coming out after July 10th.

You will need to get the latest ELKRP version 1.6.8, available now.

Copy the M1 data to ELKRP.

Download and install the bootloader version 3.2.2.

Download and install the application code version 4.4.2. EEProm memory will factory default.

Copy the data in ELKRP back to the M1.

This update adds 199 users, 64 named outputs, and resolves some reported issues.
hgupta1 said:
When I got home today, the alarm had been going off for about an hour and half, but apparently nextalarm didn't send anybody out or call.

I looked at the vonage records which showed that the alarm repeatedly tried contacting nextalarm. So the alarm was trying to call out. Also, homeseer sent a text message to my cell phone, but I couldn't get it. There did not appear to be a break in.

Is nextalarm not answering the calls?

The Elk log says
18:31 1146=Restore Burglar Zone (when I came home)
17:17 1160=Control over Current Restore
17:16 1140=Contro over Current Trouble
17:11 1157=Communication Fail Restore
17:09 1130=Fail to communicate trouble
17:06 1003=Burglar Alarm Hall Motion (zn 3)
17:06 1146=Restore Burglar Zone Hall Motion (zn 3)
17:06 1003=Burglar Alarm Front Door (zn1)
17:06 1003=Burglar Alarm Hall Motion (zn 3)

What on earth is going on?
Has the alarm ever worked using voice over IP before?

I remember reading not long ago, that a lot of alarm companies are having trouble with voice over IP when their customers switch without telling them, because there analog systems do not work with voice over IP telephones lines.

Maui custom surveillance
Digger said:
I know the modem and router are working since I called the house. Also I am getting my email alerts from the panel without a hitch. I just cant get the connection for the IP address or RP. I never got a chance to try either remotely only localy at home with my wireless connection. I opened all of the ports that ELK reccomends months ago and locally it worked flawlessly.

It might be a setting or somthing may be restricted by the net access here at Disney.

I have the IP address fixed in case of a power outage etc and have experienced a few over the past few months with no problem with local access so the address is not rolling.
Hmm, oh well.

If you find something on this, please post. I'm curious. I have not exposed this to the outside world so have not tested connecting remotely.
I had another alarm this morning at about the same time as the other day. Very wierd at 2:40 or 2:50 am. Wish I could access the log and see what it is.

I doubt I will have this working before I get back. If I have time I will give ELK a call and see if I am missing the obvious.
In my thread about false the false alarms I've been experiencing, I mentioned that I had no way of knowing if the "trigger" alarms were real or not, since they are zones that are in unsecured areas (though I AM convinced that the cascaded trips of other secure zones at the same time are not real). Well, one of the zones that has triggered probably a majority of these alarms has now gone off while I've been home, and they are definitely false alarms. Absolutely nothing in the space moving, and the alarm gets tripped. This is a wireless zone in a detached garage (my house is all wired), so I have no way of knowing if that motion sensor is faulty, if the wireless card is somehow picking up bad signals or otherwise somehow at fault, or if it's the elk. So I guess this post is of little value as a datapoint. ;) But I AM fairly certain the cascades are an elk issue, and they are quite bothersome for my situation. So I hope at least those are part of the "reported issues" Spanky speaks of that are getting resolved in the next update.
Madma_from_maui said:
Has the alarm ever worked using voice over IP before?

I remember reading not long ago, that a lot of alarm companies are having trouble with voice over IP when their customers switch without telling them, because there analog systems do not work with voice over IP telephones lines.

Maui custom surveillance
When I previously tested the alarm over vonage, I did get a communication error once before out of about 10 times that the alarm went off.

I decided that 10% failure rate was too great in case it was a real emergency. So I got the ABN adapter from NextAlarm, but the ABN adapter has been nothing but problems since I got it. Every hour, the ABN adapter drops its connection for about minute or so.

I am going to keep it for now since it is only down for about one minute out of 60, and so it appears to have a slightly better success rate than vonage.