ElkDroid Released to Android Market (ABANDONED)


Active Member
You all will be excited to know that the wait is over. You now can have control of your Elk security system from your Android phone
Search the market for 'ElkDroid'. All future updates, features and enhancements are included in this version.

Achieve full control of your configured Elk M1G or EZ8 home security panel from anywhere you can access your Elk XEP. ElkDroid provides an easy and secure way to remotely operate and monitor system state, lighting, tasks and zones. Customize extensively for maximal efficiency based on your hardware and preferences.
Grab life by the antlers with ElkDroid!
I've been waiting for something like this for years, since I got my G1. It looks great, but $99 - ouch. Any chance of a Lite version with only security features for less $$, a la eKeypad Alarm for the iPhone ($10)?
I’ve been waiting for this app for a long time, well… as least since the Droid came on the market. And for full disclosure I’m a beta tester. Just so you know there is no financial compensation in it for me and I’ve already offered to buy the ElkDroid and will do so as soon as I get off of the beta version. Apparently you cannot run both versions at the same time.

I’m using the ElkDroid for peace-of-mind and convenience. The company’s computers are locked down so I cannot load ElkRM. Even though I have the M1 setup to call me if there are specific zone violations the ElkDroid gives me that extra flexibility to interact with the Elk M1 system in order to determine if what’s happening is either wanted or not.

I know this sounds incredibly lazy. On weekends kids park and party across the street. When they get too loud normally I’d get out of bed… walk to the front room… and turn on the flood lights. Not any more... I just rollover pick up the phone and presto, we are lit up like a Christmas tree.

There are subtle features I like such as renaming lights. I want a little more descriptive names than what’s on M1. This app allows me to change names. I have non-dimming lights so the apps lets me switch to a radio button from a slider configuration. When I’m finish with the changes I lock the edit feature so as not to make accidental changes.

Kent, is incredibly flexible with adding/changing features. There’s more down the road but I’ll let Kent talk about that. Anyhow, got to run but thought I would offer my two-cents.

I was one of the beta testers for this. I can tell you the program is really fast and works super well. During beta testing I found myself not using my regular Elk keypads and using ElkDroid exclusively for my lighting and arming/disarming the alarm.

I didn’t find my UPB switches all that useful before since I still had to get off my a**. Since I started really playing with this program I ordered a bunch more UPB switches to finish off my house and I decided to tie in an elk output to the garage door. Now I can open the garage door right from the phone when I come home.

As someone who has played a lot with it, I would consider $99 a good value. $99 is about the price of a standard ELK keypad. ElkDroid has much more functionality then a regular keyboard. ElkDroid delivers functionality that is much more similar to the Elk Touchscreen. The Elk TS07 touchcreen is over $1000 so I would consider this a really good value.

As a beta tester I know he put a lot of time into this. The application is super fast and responsive and all the kinks are worked out. He also seems very willing to add new features as he made some nice upgrades during the beta. I don’t know of anything that is missing but I wouldn’t be surprised to see some additional enhancements on a regular basis.
Disclaimer - I was typing up at the same time 'slow motion/scott' and saw his comments after I hits submit on mine. I know a lot of our comments overlap. That was not becuause I copied his <_<

The key to both our comments really boils down to ease of use and speed. When I come home from work I hit a button to open garage and walk right in. We park our cars outside and it always freaked me out that the garage remotes were in the cars right outside. With our phones controling the garage doors the remotes are going away.

Next week I hope to add some door releases tied in to the elk. This is something that wouldnt be half as usefull without this program to trigger the action.
This app is a bargain, hands down. The more I use it, the more I realize what I was missing out on before I had this phone and ElkDroid. It's as if the power of the system has been unleashed. IMHO, most home automation systems are really only as good as their method of control (unless meant to be truly automatic). By using this application, I now have control and feedback from anywhere I may be in the country that I go for business where I have coverage by my mobile provider, or internet access at a hotel. To me that level of awareness is priceless. I think Personalt hit the nail on the head when he mentioned the Elk TS07 touchcreen; this setup is probably even better to begin with (voice recognition?! Unreal!) and then you start adding in things like the portability of it. The bottom line is that ElkDroid turned my phone into an Elk peripheral -- an Elk peripheral that blows away anything else I've seen available so far. Seeing as I paid over a thousand bucks for my Elk it's a no-brainer when it comes to unlocking it's real capabilities with ElkDroid.
Coupling the usefulness (and sheer coolness <_<) of the application with a helpful, proactive and enthusiastic developer gives you a winning combination. I'm really looking forward to seeing what he adds once he can reinvest some profits into new equipment to experiment with.

Oh, and in case it sounds like it, I would like to assure you that I am not getting paid to advertise for ElkDroid. I just genuinely love it.

Thank you all for your kind words.

I've been waiting for something like this for years, since I got my G1. It looks great, but $99 - ouch. Any chance of a Lite version with only security features for less $$, a la eKeypad Alarm for the iPhone ($10)?
Hi Larry, there are no plans for other editions of the app. I am committed to supporting ElkDroid and its customers.

I can't seem to access the web site http://www.williamsautomation.com/ for the developer. Can someone help?
I am working with my webhost to resolve this issue; they don't seem to understand that they need to create DNS records for it. I hope they will have it fixed shortly.

I can't seem to access the web site http://www.williamsautomation.com/ for the developer. Can someone help?
I am working with my webhost to resolve this issue; they don't seem to understand that they need to create DNS records for it. I hope they will have it fixed shortly.

You don't need your webhost to do this. Since you have your domain at GoDaddy, just use their DNS. This keeps you in control instead of having to rely on your hosting company. On GoDaddy, you go to your control panel, then total DNS control and make sure you are using the GoDaddy DNS servers. Then just setup your host record to point to the IP address that your hosting company gave you. Done! You'll be up and running in 30-60 minutes after propagation.
Hi Kent,

Love the ElkDroid app. Works well. Any chance you will make the Climate screen available in the future?

Also it doesn't appear that you can actually arm the system at this time. Is this true and do you plan to make this avaialble in the future?

Thanks for the hard work and keep it coming.
