Great News for Caddx/HomeSeer Users


Looks like Nitrox (Dave Crawford) is back to support his famous and very reliable Caddx Plugin for HomeSeer. He is currently working on a new version to support HS 2.0 as his current older one is not compatible with that newer HomeSeer version.

This is GREAT news for us Caddx Security users who integrated their system heavily into their older HomeSeer version 1.7x setups. I know that this was THE factor that prevented me from upgrading to HomeSeer 2.0!

I sent Nitrox a PM asking him to stop over and give us some more details so hopefully he can find the time to do so soon!

Great to have you back Dave!! :D
huggy59 said:
Great news!  We've missed him!  I hope he becomes a regular here on CocoonTech, too!
He was very busy with work and made a statement that he could no longer support the older plugin a while ago, but I was encouraged by his post HERE which states that he is now working on a newer version. He also replied to a post in that HS Caddx forum today as well.

I have been using his older version with HS 1.7 for years and it has NEVER failed me which is a credit to just how stable and well written it is!

I know he is busy, but just wanted to let him know that his old "fan base" is still here and we are anxiously awaiting any further developments! :D

And yes, I also hope he becomes a regular Cocooner!!

Nitrox's HomeSeer Plugin for HS 2.0 has been released!

Not only that, looks like he is already working on an updated version which will use PIN numbers for arm and disarm functions!

Oh happy days are here again for us Caddx users!! B)
Chakara said:
So what version of HS are you runnign BSR? How has 2.x worked out for ya?
Actually I'm still running HomeSeer 1.7.43 with an older version of the Caddx plugin. It is very stable (with ADI Ocelot and MLHSPlugins also) so I'm going to wait a while before upgrading to HomeSeer 2.x (I'm using Skibum as my gauge so I know it will be safe to install then! :unsure: )

I do have HomeSeer 2.1 installed on a separate computer and played around with it a little, but I don't have a lot of time into it.