HAI OmniPro II with Audio


New Member
I am planning on purchasing a home automation center to control lighting, audio, HVAC, security, etc.

I was planning on getting the HAI OmniProII system. http://www.smarthome.com/110604.html

I had also planned on getting a NUVO Essentia system for Audio as it can be controlled through the keypads of the HAI OmniPro II (so I don’t need a set of keypads only for the audio).





Can the Russound Cav 6.6 system or some other 6zone/6source system be controlled through the keypads of the HAI OmniPro II. I know they usually have their your own keypads, but I want to have only one set of keypads and those are the OmniPro II keypads…(I might use the audio keypads in some locations)


[edit by electron: removed the SIZE 14 font tag]
Yes, the HAI and Russound can be integrated, using the HAI touchpads to control both. Worthington had the two of them integrated and on display in it's booth at the spring EHX. I'm pretty sure that you need a ROM upgrade for the touchpad, but beyond that I'm not sure.