A friend of mine on the Homevision forums found these! Fry's sells both the lamp module and the appliance module - plus switch rockers and slaves. Modules are rockers are $34.99; slaves are $29.99
Since I don't have a Frys nearby, I found the appliance and lamp modules on Outpost website, but not the rocker switches or slave switches yet. I've contacted Outpost to see if they plan on carrying them - will update once I get word back.
Lamp Module
Appliance Module
<edit: I've been told the modules are both 2 prong models, not 3 prong. I do not know their power ratings >
Since I don't have a Frys nearby, I found the appliance and lamp modules on Outpost website, but not the rocker switches or slave switches yet. I've contacted Outpost to see if they plan on carrying them - will update once I get word back.
Lamp Module
Appliance Module
<edit: I've been told the modules are both 2 prong models, not 3 prong. I do not know their power ratings >