M1KPNAV issues on entry delay


Active Member
Just bought and installed a M1KPNAV.
I have noticed something strange. When we enter the home, the countdown timer is not constant. It seems to stop and pause, the beeping slows, then speeds up as if to catch up.
Has anyone else had this issue?
Not that Im aware of but I will pay more attention when I get home today. 
Usually Im in such a rush, hands full, etc the last thing I do is pay attention to the sound so for all I know mine does it too, I just never notice.
Paid more attention to this the last few days as I entered/exited.
Mine seems intermittent....one time its perfect (no stuttering), other times it seems to skip and try to catch up.
Id say its normal behavior, albeit not desirable.
Ok. thank you. Very strange though. Hope Elk fixes this with update. Makes it look like there is a problem with the keypad/alarm. It is also weird because the constant beep is an indication that the alarm needs to be disarmed. Skipping a beep or delaying them leads to confusion as to what is happening.