New Z-wave controller

ChrisCicc said:
Wow the paid shill actually had the gall to come back here and continue to pretend he's a real person and interested consumer? Lol!
Paid shill?  And how do you come to that conclusion?  This thread is getting better and better.  Hold on for a couple of minutes - I'm just away to fire up the popcorn maker whilst awaiting further words of wisdom from the Coccoon crowd! :rofl:
JimMurphy said:
I'm just away to fire up the popcorn maker whilst awaiting further words of wisdom from the Coccoon crowd! :rofl:
Im not sure your employer intends for you to insult the community you're supposed to be marketing to...
Also, instead of saying the pic looks fake because of a "Google or linkedin bug", a far more effective way would be to show us an album of your photos.

But of course then that would require you to go find the original person and track down some more photos of him ;)
ChrisCicc said:
And he removes any doubt...
ChrisCicc, unfortunately it is difficult on an on-line forum to say something "tongue-in-cheek" and convey this to others.  You know, also a bit like trying to convey irony to the average American - it usually goes way over their head they don't understand it and only interpret what is said as a fact...
So did have some doubts about me...
So, I am going to table whether he is or is not exactly who he says, it does not matter.  He does, in fact, have good English (way better than this US Engineer  :D ).  Although, make sure the popcorn bowl isn't from China or it may have lead paint on it! (couldn't resist).
The thread does bring an interesting point to light.  We have all experienced in the past, the lower quality, cheaply made products that can come from China.  But we also all own something made there that works exactly as expected.  Regardless, we US buyers have become cautious, and even negative on China made items.
I have worked with their (sorry for the stereo typing)  engineers and they are extremely intelligent and well educated, but tend to design for the absolute minimal target and in some cases will attempt to take short cuts to meet business needs.  Its a cultural engrained trait and no reflection upon the individuals themselves.  
My point is China's manufacturing base is slowly learning that quality does matter, balanced with price.  But it will take a while for that to begin to actually change (if ever) the culturally ingrained approach to manufacturing there.  BUT, not everything made in China should be immediately deemed terrible.
Example: "Everyone" in the US use to smoke, so everyone else did too...until it became bad for you and unpopular and it trended down significantly.  But...people still smoke.  And it took a long time for this much change. What 35-40 years?
I still buy US when feasible, but cautiously purchase overseas materials when appropriate, after thorough research and reviews. I wish luck to Oomi, but you will get my money when I see your product reviewed!
There is a difference between "designed in the US, made in China" and "designed in China, made in China". 

China isn't good at software. Most of you probably don't know the effort western companies go through to protect their software when doing Chinese manufacturing. Anyone with a laser scanner and x-ray scanner can reverse engineer hardware, but encrypted software is encrypted. To avoid going into too many details, what's usually done is the device is manufactured only with a simple bootloader, and then the software is loaded in via a very secured process after the fact. Sometimes it's done here in the US, sometimes it's done there, but when it's done there it's done in such a way that the software cannot be stolen (again, leaving out the tech details).
You're point about building to the lowest common denominator is very true though. China can create great quality these days, but only if you force them to :)
Bal said:
So, I am going to table whether he is or is not exactly who he says, it does not matter.  He does, in fact, have good English (way better than this US Engineer  :D ).  Although, make sure the popcorn bowl isn't from China or it may have lead paint on it! (couldn't resist).
The thread does bring an interesting point to light.  We have all experienced in the past, the lower quality, cheaply made products that can come from China.  But we also all own something made there that works exactly as expected.  Regardless, we US buyers have become cautious, and even negative on China made items.
I have worked with their (sorry for the stereo typing)  engineers and they are extremely intelligent and well educated, but tend to design for the absolute minimal target and in some cases will attempt to take short cuts to meet business needs.  Its a cultural engrained trait and no reflection upon the individuals themselves.  
My point is China's manufacturing base is slowly learning that quality does matter, balanced with price.  But it will take a while for that to begin to actually change (if ever) the culturally ingrained approach to manufacturing there.  BUT, not everything made in China should be immediately deemed terrible.
Example: "Everyone" in the US use to smoke, so everyone else did too...until it became bad for you and unpopular and it trended down significantly.  But...people still smoke.  And it took a long time for this much change. What 35-40 years?
I still buy US when feasible, but cautiously purchase overseas materials when appropriate, after thorough research and reviews. I wish luck to Oomi, but you will get my money when I see your product reviewed!
Hi Bal,
A nice balanced post, much like your Cocoon name.  So there are some people in the Coccoon community who aren't totally paranoid.  Like you I am also an engineer (well a sort of mixture of physicist and engineer).  I have tended to find that when given the choice I choose to pursue ideas and interests that are not totally main-stream though.  Instead of doing the "normal" BEng Electronic Engineering course, I settled on HND Applied Physics with Electronics.  I've worked in the UK defence and telecommunications industries.  These have exposed me to engineers from all over the world - working with US/Candian/European engineers, as well as Indians and Chinese ones.
I would also normally sit and wait for a new product to come out and then ensure it had good reviews before purchasing.  There was, however, something about Oomi that immediately made me sit up and take notice.  Hopefully my faith in Oomi will prove to be justified and it will receive raving reviews once in full production.  In the meantime I will have saved around 33% on the equipment and will be one of the 1st to have the kit shipped out.  I just hope Oomi have a decent shipper and don't use the SA postal service as they are hopeless.  My parents paid for airmail from the UK and it took over 2 months for the parcel to arrive (it went via Jo'burg and they were on strike).  The laugh is the boat takes 21 days into Cape Town, so it would have been quicker and cheaper to send it surface, but hindsight is always 20/20!
ChrisCicc said:
but encrypted software is encrypted.   :)
Another pearl of wisdom?  Thanks!  :rofl:
Can I have a guess about what you do?  Could it be writing technical documents for Chinese companies? :)
LarrylLix said:
 "When a problem exists in the setup then a problem is existing in the setup"
I think that some people confuse the Zen of User Manuals for bad English. That's really actually a very profound statement. Stare at a wall for an hour or two while repeating that to yourself and see what happens.
 I don't understand why some peoples first instinct is to be rude, I just read this whole thread and even clicked the posted reverse image search links and saw the story about a water delivery trike for poor African countries, nice to help others who are less fortunate. I have not seen any definitive proof that the O.P. is not who he claims to be. If he isn't really Jim Murphy how has that hurt me in any way? I don't have to by any products I don't want. 
Waynedb said:
 I don't understand why some peoples first instinct is to be rude, I just read this whole thread and even clicked the posted reverse image search links and saw the story about a water delivery trike for poor African countries, nice to help others who are less fortunate. I have not seen any definitive proof that the O.P. is not who he claims to be. If he isn't really Jim Murphy how has that hurt me in any way? I don't have to by any products I don't want. 
Thank you Wayne!  Yes I did win $2,000 for my design for an environmentally friendly trike in the Water4Africa campaign.  This can all be confirmed if people had a spare 30 minutes and attempted to Google for good, rather than looking for skeletons in my closet...
Not blowing my own trumpet, but I also do voluntary work in the local community.  I'm part of a 6 person team plus a lead facilitator that runs the Paradigm Shift course at our church.  This involves going out to the poor black areas to show their local entrepreneurs about how the Bible demonstrates good business practices.  The 1st part of the course is running a full 1 day intro course for basic record keeping and business terms etc.  Our team has trained up over 40 local entrepreneurs over the past month.  We will also provide business mentoring, run further 9 week more advanced courses to people who show enthusiasm to gain more knowledge and can even train other people in the local community so they can replicate our work.  We can also offer some of the people micro-loans to allow them to further develop their small businesses.
I attempted to post a photo of us after we issued the certificates for one of our recent 1 day training courses, but got an error saying I'm not allowed to post an image with that extension!  I'm normally trainer number 5 and I also double as the photographer!
I don't know why there seem so many borderline paranoid people on this forum - it's not something I've seen on any other forums I've even been involved with. :ph34r:
Its the tech combined with I inferred a lot of people on here have been burned or had a friend burned by the combination.
In addition, the forum gets a lot of the one off SPAM posters touting their newest and greatest HA device/system/software etc. only to be proven to be fake, halfbaked, or all together crap.  Your post count was very low and you linked to a questionable china produced item...bad combination.
And lets be honest, I have a feeling the average age here used to be late twenties but is now 40ish.  This forum was the front of the wave that is real HA.  All the new youth like their IoAT with phone control.  They have not yet seen true automation.  ITTT or similar may start to change that eventually as they realize they do not need control if its truly automated.