Omni/Lumina Family 3.0 Preview

Brian Yokum

Active Member
As previously promised, I wanted to give everyone a preview of some of the new features coming in our 3.0 controller firmware. While not an exhaustive list of changes, it will give you a feel for what to expect. The 3.0 controller firmware and PC Access 3 are currently undergoing beta testing now, and we expect them to be available within the next few weeks. We had hoped to have this available sooner, but as with many complex projects, it's taken us longer than we anticipated. I believe you'll find the enhancements well worth the wait.

1. User Settings - User settings can now be defined for dates, times, days of the week, durations, temperatures, humidities, levels, and numbers. These settings are easily changeable by a user through a console or touchscreen and can be referred to in automation programming. This allows a user to easily change wake up schedules, home/away temperatures, sprinkler times, etc.

2. Enhanced Programming - The HAI automation programming has been enhanced to allow any program block to have multiple triggers, multiple conditions, and multiple actions. It is now possible for a program block to be triggered every so many minutes, seconds, or hours. Conditions can now be created that utilize and/or/not logic and that utilize relational operators. Relational operators include equal to, not equal to, greater than, less than, is even, is odd, is a multiple of, and set membership tests. Conditions can reference properties of zones, units, thermostats, temperature/humidity sensors, messages, security status, time/date, audio, access control, as well as constants and user settings. Basically, most information known by the controller can now be used in automation programming.

3. Omnistat2 Thermostats - Support for new features in the HAI Omnistat2 thermostats, including fan cycle mode, vacation mode, humidity, outdoor temperature, and occupancy status.

4. Access Control - Support for the new HAI access control system. Up to 16 card readers can be connected on a single serial port. Each user can be validated by time, date, and reader. Each reader and access card in enrolled through a simple process of card swipes or data entry through a console, touchscreen, or PC Access. Each card can also be used to arm/disarm the system. Card access can be logged and is fully integrated into the automation logic.

5. Thermostat Operation - The current real-time heating, cooling, humidifying, and dehumifying status is now indicated on the touchscreen and can be used in automation programming.

6. NuVo Grand Concerto / Essentia G - Support for the menu system of these systems has been added. This allows full control of these systems and browsing of music by artist, title, album, track, genre, favorite etc. Complete metadata from NuVonet sources is displayed. Emulates the functionality on NuVo display pads. Control through automation logic.

7. Russound E-Series (Sphere) - Support has been added for the Russound E-Series (Sphere) audio systems. Emulates the Russound Uno S2 keypad and displays metadata from RNet sources. Allows control of zone power, source, volume, and source transport controls. Limited music selection via favorites, presets, and transport controls. Control through automation logic.

8. Third-Party Protocol - Numerous enhancements to Omni-Link and Omni-Link II protocols to increase functionality and ease third-party integration with our controllers. Omni-Link II provides for secure non-polling communication over IP networks.

Again, these are just some of the highlights.
Brian - the ongoing burning question is when will it be released? This has been promised for months and months with no resolve. HAI once more has placed information out in the automation world with both dealers and end users that is very frustrating. If nothing else, from a corporate standpoint, you should have released a note to dealers explaining the delay. There are great reasons for a delay in a product launch that we would all well understand, but when no reasons are made public, all types of conjecture result.
We'd hoped to have it available by today, but the release date depends on when the engineers clear the remaining open items from beta testing.

It is very close to release.