single-gang outlet + LV

Or if it's 5V, could you use one of the new Leviton USB/Outlet solutions and use a USB to jack adapter? That'd get you into a single gang.

Lots of options - although I'd probably do what DEL and I suggested earlier on and home-run the wire and use an adjustable power supply.
Do you have a link to the Foscam model and mount?

I don't understand why the mount/camera won't cover the penetrations. You need an outlet somewhere, why not the basement? Put the wall wart elsewhere, as DEL mentioned. I've done that with a phone.
Well, for the camera, I just said "fsck it", drilled a pair of 1/2" holes on opposite sides of the wall, pulled the power cord & cat5 through the wall, and put a huge, divided, 2-gang box inside the closet.

HOWEVER... the Hubbell box is *exactly* what I want for the master bath (which currently has no cementboard on the walls & def. qualifies as "new construction. It's small & discreet enough to put someplace where I *might* put a TV someday :)