smoke detector camera

I am trying to setup a smoke detector camera.(spy camera) - I want to hook up to DVR / computer, and also ability to motion activate when the door is open.

I would like to view the camera in internet. Can anyone suggest what would be a good option?

You probably are going to do a standard smoke cam to an encoder like an Axis 241Q or something similar.
I don't know of a direct IP smoke cam that exists yet.
With the axis you can use a door contact to trigger an alarm/event which could start recording depending on what you use to record the images.

I have done this with a smoke cam, a panasonic WJ-NT304, and a WJ-ND300A NVR for a customer. I used a motion detector to trigger recording using an input on the NT304. You could do the same thing with a lower priced axis unit. Had I known that the NT304 didn't do motion recording and the Axis was directly compatible with the ND300A I wouldhave used the Axis Encoder instead.