Tablets for automation?

We're an apple house, not android... although there are plenty of valid arguments for us to convert to Android or Kindle Fires (android but better IMO)... at the time it came down to 1) a particular app or two that were only Apple; and 2) instantly everything I've ever bought before is available exactly the same way for the kids - music, movies, etc.
As a result we've gone down the path of using the same store account on all the ipads; the kids have been forced to share a single iCloud account due to one $#@$%(!% stupid Disney app; my wife and I have separate iCloud accounts for backups and all.  The Google shared calendar has been the best part as my wife keeps like 10 different calendars separating kids, work, doctors appts, etc.  Our family wouldn't function without it.  In fact, the ideal next step would be to do a partial sync to my work calendar so that appointments would at least have the location and busy portion sync'd (what I'm doing isn't important - just where I need to be since I work from home 80% of the time).
So far this model has worked out really well for us.  In addition we use Airplay in the house (which blows any bluetooth audio out of the water) so we can pick up any iOS device in the house and kick on music as well - a feature we use nearly daily.