I'm sorry if you think people are being sensitive. I understand what you are trying to do and it is admirable. But the fact remains that you can not generalize like your example. Take just your first two examples. It is crazy to say generically that flourescent lights and laptops cause problems for UPB. Sure there may be a certain brand or type of flourescent light that causes a problem, but UPB is installed in 1000's of homes (including mine) with flourescent lights without issue. Same for laptops. I had the same frustration you did with UPB with X10. I spent dozens of hours trying to make it work, mapping circuits, killing breakers, even went so far as to pull fan switches, etc out of the wall. No matter what I did I still had low signal and unexplainable problems. Others have perfect luck even with similar equipment.
The point is, none of the technologies are perfect and each is going to have their share of problems, some maybe more so than others. I do happen to think that UPB is one of the better products and least prone to issues, but no, certainly not perfect. I think it is valid to make points like anything that interferes with the UPB pulses can potentially cause a problem but you can not categorically say that flourescent lights do that. I have seen UPB problems as simple as user error and very complex being a mix of issues. Bottom line is all situations need to be looked at individually and troubleshot until the problem is found. It is also important to buy equipment from somebody that will take an active role in helping you solve the problem and never leaving you worried that your investment is at risk. Automated Outlet and Tech Home are such vendors. So is Simply Automated. They have been know to even send an engineer out to a large install to figure out the problems.
Like for example, if many people have issues with Lutron dimmers set below 50%, that is certainly a valid item to put on a checklist, but perhaps 'dimmers' is too generic. I have also seen since UPB can propogate a transformer, it is possible that a neighbors equipment is killing you. I have heard that before.
If you really want to try UPB, I would buy some SA equipment from Martin, take it step by step and rely on Martin, SA and others here to help you figure it out. If at the end of the day you are still stumped, you will have no worries getting a credit or refund. Then you can try Insteon or Z-Wave and see if you have better luck. I know its frustrating but your perseverance will pay off.