Tried Downgrading OMNI PRO II 3.2d returned to 4.0b No PC Access Ethernet or Serial


Active Member
It's been so long since I set this up (18 years now), but I have been having issues with ALC going OFFLINE.
I cleared the RAM yesterday with ALC starting working again. Today it was again offline, and I recalled I had no issues on 3.12D, so I switched proms and that's when things went south. PC access could not connect via Ethernet. I tried Serial but received "Log in Failed" message and was told to correct user code 1.
I put the 4.0b PROM back in, same issue Smoke Detector Trble messages etc.
Setup Miscellaneous has PC access enabled, but all I see as the last menu item is Ethernet MAC address. I do not see Ethernet IP address.
I finally RESET the EEPROM, and cannot find why Ethernet is not enabled. I try to use PC ACCESS to connect using serial port and I get the same error message.
Network scan no longer sees OMNI2 Pro controller.
What am I forgetting, I set this all up in 2003, and added Ethernet in 2009.
The installer menu is missing items on the console. Any ideas, Reset EEPROM did not work!
Well, I spoke too soon. It seems these options finally showed up (after several minutes). I'm still not sure why I receive the Serial Error message however. I was able to finally connect once I changed my IP address subnet and to original address.
I'm in the process of Writing configuration, and programs after clearing EEPROM (maybe this took longer than the console indicated).
Originally when I updated Firmware in 2019 to 4.0B I just swapped out the PROM (I don't have a FLASH EAROM in my controller).
Glad I at least reprogrammed, the Hall Thermostat has not lowered temperature at the outdoor temperature test time, and my office is on the same zone so it is really warm in here! I mannually decreased Temperature using iPhone HAIKU app (still works on iOS 14.4 even with the Intermediate Server Error).
One thing I noted is a newer manual claims the following about "PC Access Code"
This code allows dealers to put an access code in the system that is separate from the customer's Master code and the Installer
code. Dealers can use the PC Access code to access the system by PC. The PC Access code cannot arm and disarm the system.
The PC Access code is NOT programmed from the factory. To use it, set it to any code other than 0000. To disable the PC
Access code, enter 0000 for the code.

NOTE: This item must be enabled (by entering a code) if PC Access is will be used.
0000-9999 0000=DISABLE↕
This appears to be wrong unless over serial?  On Ethernet it's always been set to 0000.  The 2002 Manual has no such statement.
For some reason keeps popping OFF-LINE when using Ethernet?
Reset seemed to help. I'm loading configuration again FROM PC Access because I don't think it stayed connected writing to controller.

Seems to remain connected (I always reboot a host when changing IP address, forgot that step), and hopefully the next Write to Controller uploads everything! Perimeter zones were working other lighting was not.

Take the panel off of the ethernet connection or put a router between the ethernet connection and PCA.
There is a documented issue with the ethernet port which causes serial bus issues.
Here have kept a micro router between the OmniPro 2 panel Ethernet port and the rest of the network for many years now. 
The Ethernet port is running at 10Mbs 1/2 duplex and is too promiscuous (documented by Leviton). 
pete_c said:
Take the panel off of the ethernet connection or put a router between the ethernet connection and PCA.
There is a documented issue with the ethernet port which causes serial bus issues.
Here have kept a micro router between the OmniPro 2 panel Ethernet port and the rest of the network for many years now. 
The Ethernet port is running at 10Mbs 1/2 duplex and is too promiscuous (documented by Leviton). 
This is all connected on a network managed by a router.
After uploading everything seems to go online then offline
Serial Connection is now working. Seems motion detectors would not register. Not sure why. Refreshing entire system using serial link, will see what happens, never had these issues (other than ALC going OFFLINE after a day or more).
Another thing I discovered is Ethernet is not under Installer Setup>MISC, it's under Setup>MISC hence I didn't see it!
After uploading everything seems to go online then offline
It is the Ethernet interface that causes the issues on the serial bus and the time to go off.
I had the following issues before installing a router between the Ethernet interface and the rest of the network:
1 - time going off by minutes a day
2 - Ethernet disconnecting
3 - Omnistat communication issues
4 - Serial Omnitouch screens communications issues
The initial testing was to disconnect the Ethernet interface (remove it from network) and all would be fine accessing the panel via serial interface.
Leviton today suggests connecting an old 10Mbs hub between the Ethernet interface and the rest of your network.  Personally the router fix worked better for me.
pete_c said:
After uploading everything seems to go online then offline
It is the Ethernet interface that causes the issues on the serial bus and the time to go off.
I had the following issues before installing a router between the Ethernet interface and the rest of the network:
1 - time going off by minutes a day
2 - Ethernet disconnecting
3 - Omnistat communication issues
4 - Serial Omnitouch screens communications issues
The initial testing was to disconnect the Ethernet interface (remove it from network) and all would be fine accessing the panel via serial interface.
Leviton today suggests connecting an old 10Mbs hub between the Ethernet interface and the rest of your network.  Personally the router fix worked better for me.
Hey Pete,
It seems none of my FLAGS are working now, and system is limping along (never had this issue until yesterday when I had to  RESET to Factory and uploaded configuration).
Do you have a Document from Leviton that details this issue?  I just disconnected OMNI from my Battery Backed-up TP-LINK switch, and will reload setup and programs over serial. TSTATS not fully communicating as you pointed out.
What is weird, when I RESET controller (Turning off Power and Removing Battery) it would maintain the Time at that point (which seemed strange to me a couple of years ago). Now I have to RESET Date & Time from Console, PC Access crashes as mentioned in another post.
Strange I never encountered this previously, when I upgraded from 3.2D to 4.0B couple of years ago, I never had these issues, except ALC started dropping OFFLINE and then more Frequently.
Once disconnected from network should I CLEAR RAM again and then RELOAD over serial, or just RESET Controller?  None of the Time Correction upload from PC Access and clock is off as you pointed out.
With your ROUTER sounds like you built a DMZ, do you use HAIKU? I don't see how without Port Forwarding from Main Router into secondary router and additional Port Forwarding.
Thank you for pointing out Leviton has acknowledged this issue (never saw it), so if you have a link or a PDF that details, I can explore options. Boy I miss my control, no Hot Water Circulation this morning from MY UPB.
Had Zone Trouble Messages this morning and flashing green light on console.
After Removing from Network and reprogramming from Serial I reboot the OMNI II PRO and it says System OK but displaying,
Message 114
How do I interpret "Message 114"?

In Setup I have no Message 114, last Message I have is "015"
I am the one that originally opened the ticket for said issue with Leviton.
That said they told me that the Ethernet port on the OmniPro was promiscuous and that it saw everything and that was what caused issues on the serial bus.
The issue and fix was documented here on the Cocoontech forum years ago...
It cropped up here after I had over 100 devices on my LAN.
Get any old router and connect the Ethernet port of the OmniPro to a LAN port on the router.  Connect the WAN port to your LAN.  Put the LAN port in a DMZ and use the WAN IP to get to your OmniPro panel.
pete_c said:
I am the one that originally opened the ticket for said issue with Leviton.
That said they told me that the Ethernet port on the OmniPro was promiscuous and that it saw everything and that was what caused issues on the serial bus.
The issue and fix was documented here on the Cocoontech forum years ago...
It cropped up here after I had over 100 devices on my LAN.
Get any old router and connect the Ethernet port of the OmniPro to a LAN port on the router.  Connect the WAN port to your LAN.  Put the LAN port in a DMZ and use the WAN IP to get to your OmniPro panel.
I just Realized something!

What you are saying makes perfect sense why I was having more issues since my LAN traffic is larger than ever because we now use AT&T TV "IPTV".
I have built DMZ for Guest Wifi applications for clients.
You said an old HUB will work too. I have several routers hanging around, but before I do additional testing, I need to see why my OMNI II Programs are misbehaving so bad (even with Ethernet Disconnected). I'm not seeing my UPB trigger flags working at all.
Thank you for additional details, since my wife streams TV during the day, I know understand why ALC suffered issues changed from Month to a day. Wish I would have known this before I tried to downgrade firmware.
The controller is still acting up, UPB can be manually enabled from HAIKU (Ethernet connected) but won't trigger from indoor motion. Only some of my programs are running.
pete_c said:
I am the one that originally opened the ticket for said issue with Leviton.
That said they told me that the Ethernet port on the OmniPro was promiscuous and that it saw everything and that was what caused issues on the serial bus.
The issue and fix was documented here on the Cocoontech forum years ago...
It cropped up here after I had over 100 devices on my LAN.
Get any old router and connect the Ethernet port of the OmniPro to a LAN port on the router.  Connect the WAN port to your LAN.  Put the LAN port in a DMZ and use the WAN IP to get to your OmniPro panel.
Hi Again Pete,
I found your post on Homeseer, and read your message about Managed L2/L3 Switch
When I connected Ethernet back up this morning, but remained on Serial I downloaded Log and observed about 50 "SYSTEM RESET" messages. Again, never saw this before but Resetting to Factory Yesterday after putting 4.0D back in, opened system up to all the Ethernet Traffic that you are talking about.
Since I had it connected to a Managed Switch, I changed Port Settings forcing 10M 1/2 Duplex.
The TP-LINK Switch L2 Features:​

IGMP Snooping V1/V2/V3​

Link Aggregation​

Port Mirroring​

Cable Diagnostics​

Loop Prevention​

I Set "Port 6" to 10M, Half Duplex and reconnected OMNI PRO II to the port.  I have not experienced the Massive "System Reset" messages in the last hour.​

What is your opinion on this solution, do you foresee issues down the road?

Since I had controller disconnected from Ethernet, the UPB triggers (flags) still aren't working, but I take this a step at a time.​

Doesn't seem to communicate properly with PC Access or HAIKU, will look into further but if I can get AUTOMATION to work again, that will be even bigger step.
Well, further searching the Threads you Posted Pete Regarding TP-LINK L2 Switch, I found the Post on Storm Control.
This is based on TP-LINK TL-SG108PE (V2)
I couldn't set Port to use "Flow Control" with Half Duplex, but set for 10Mbit Half Duplex.
The more important step was the Post reference above showed, was setting "Storm Control":
Since setting that with Half Duplex 10Mbit, I have not seen any System Resets while the Internet TV is running on same SUBNET.