Utilize existing hardlines with new smart system


Hello everyone.
When I built our home back in 2014 I wired all doors and windows back to my OmniPro II.  Over the years I've been adding more and more devices (Lights, Outlets, etc..) to my Google home system.  All of my lighting automation and sprinkler system have been migrated off the OmniPro. The only thing left is the security system. Is there a security system on the market that I can utilize the existing security infrastructure and that will work with my Google home system?
Thank you,
Buddy in TX purchased one of these and is happy with it...
using Google Home.
I am still using my OmniPro 2 panel (wired).
I house #2 went to using Ring Alarm system with wireless sensors.  Works well for me with a Ring to MQTT plugin and Home Assistant / Homeseer.
Friend in TX has been using the device for a while now with Smartthings.  He is moving to using Hubitat and Home Assistant.
Just built a new server for him using a Lenova Tiny M93A / 16 Gb running Ubuntu and Oracle Virtual Box.
More than likely I will be configuring his alarm system with Home Assistant.
Google has quite the track record of losing interest in things and then abandoning the remaining users.  I, personally, wouldn't build a smart home based on the assumption that they will continue to develop or even support it in the future.