So I got into the SEL box locally.
Did a factory reset, started up, got inside.
Couldn't register the software.
User the Homeseer registrition recovery link to make sure I had the right info.
On THAT list was a SECOND SEL password and registration ID. That one got me in the system.
I purchased in Non 2019 just as they were going from HS3 to HS4.
This is an HS3 machine, but they only sent me the HS4 code for it originally.
So now I am in, but having the same problem with
The check mark in the tools>labs section is checked.
The Tooltip for that box states that it will "Register the Homeseer WAN IP Address" with the server. And THAT is the problem, because the IP addresses on my AT&T cellular internet are spoofed.
I am able to download and install the plugins I have registered, and activate them.
I was able to upgrade the box to the 3..0.0.551 version of HS3.
The instructions to upgrade to HS4 state to go through, so I'm stuck again.
HomeTroller SEL - HS4 - HomeSeer Docs
I don't understand this part.
I'm not finding Homeseer, even when navigating ont he local machine browser.
"When you visit while local to your system, you will see the system's name as well as a Maintenance link.
Note: may be cached and still pointing you to /php/Main.html. Try changing Main.html to Main.php
Note: will not detect HomeSeer software if using a VPN."
How do I "change Main.html to Main.php"?
I'm not on a VPN, but I think my Cell Modem is acting like one.
I have a mobile hotspot with a T-mobile card in it and am having the same problem.