RC 1000 Thermostat Installed but not showing up on Snaplink or PC access

Good news Robert!
For PCA help I typically utilize the drop down help contents built into PCA.   They have been sort of updated over the years in pieces and chunks. 
Some of stuff though is a bit confusing as it appears that a few folks had something to do with writing them willy nilly like and nobody was the master chief such that you do get a hodge podge of weird logic explaining the logical sense  (?) of the programming in the firmware.
I wrote earlier about my RC-80 and the "power stealing" hiccups many years ago.  I didn't know what was meant relating to power stealing and only knew that my thermostat kept resetting itself poltergeist like.   Many times its just the logic assumed by the programmer that makes sense to him/her cuz him or her assumes that whoever is doing this has the same logic hat on.