Hi All,
I have a question for those that are experienced with OmniPro II controllers. I am planning on integrating a OmniPro II controller and have a question about macro relay programming. What I'm trying to find out is if there is a lot of capability in this controller to do PLC type programming. What I would like to do is when my house is running off a 20k generator (backup power) I would like to setup relay logic to control my multistage thermostats so that only one hvac zone can run at a time. By the way this is a two zone system. This is what I'm thinking. When the generator is running and taking load I'll send a 12volt trigger to the OminPro II controller. Upon detection of this 12volt trigger I would like to have the OmniPro II controller to toggle relays to allow or disallow a thermostat in activing the compressor. So basically I would need alternating relay logic that detects power on and power off status through the compressor control wiring so when one thermostat powers off the compressor signal the relay alternates by blocking the compressor line and then allowing the other thermastat to send compressor turn on signals. Likewise, when the second thermostat brings the room to temperature, the thermostat turns off the compressor signal then block that signal by the omnipro controller and allowing the other thermostat to send compressor signals.
I have a question for those that are experienced with OmniPro II controllers. I am planning on integrating a OmniPro II controller and have a question about macro relay programming. What I'm trying to find out is if there is a lot of capability in this controller to do PLC type programming. What I would like to do is when my house is running off a 20k generator (backup power) I would like to setup relay logic to control my multistage thermostats so that only one hvac zone can run at a time. By the way this is a two zone system. This is what I'm thinking. When the generator is running and taking load I'll send a 12volt trigger to the OminPro II controller. Upon detection of this 12volt trigger I would like to have the OmniPro II controller to toggle relays to allow or disallow a thermostat in activing the compressor. So basically I would need alternating relay logic that detects power on and power off status through the compressor control wiring so when one thermostat powers off the compressor signal the relay alternates by blocking the compressor line and then allowing the other thermastat to send compressor turn on signals. Likewise, when the second thermostat brings the room to temperature, the thermostat turns off the compressor signal then block that signal by the omnipro controller and allowing the other thermostat to send compressor signals.