Anyone interested in all in one counter top touchscreen units?

I pulled the hard drive out and I am formatting it since it was unformatted. Not sure if that is part of the problem
Dumetre did you actually install in operating system on any of these or did you use the operating system that was on them for yours?
Hey Digger-

My XP install is proceeding (slowly since I am not tending it) without issue. So it looks like it is possible at least... I did not format the drive, XP did when it found the disk. I did swap the CD to primary because the cabling was easier that way.

How is everyone loading the operating system on these? I tried just using an external CD Drive and cant get it to work

I opened it up, hooked in a cable to the second IDE port, hooked a DVD drive, then booted the CD and installed.

Tried Windows 7, good waste...but it DID install!

Then I put Windows 2000 on. I was surprised, the OS had ALL the drivers (SANS Elo) built in!

Now the first one I setup, the PC in it runs quite quick and snappy.

...the Bios seems to see it but the operating system is failing to load still...

Yikes - I knew these were old, but you would think a DVD drive wouldn't throw it -
Digger - could it be you aren't using bootable media or maybe try a different drive? Hopefully I'll get mine tomorrow, the weather is slowing down UPS I think.

That's what I hooked was actually a DVD Burner (old one, that can only burn +R at 2.4x).
Any idea if the drivers will work on win2k? or if there are drivers available for it?

Built in to the OS.

I think since they were designed for Win98, that's why Win2k works so fast (I setup Hibernate so I can boot it faster), VERY VERY responsive.

I'm installing XP off a CD drive as described on one of my 2 units. The other one I need to take a closer look at, the screen is flashing and jumping. . . I'm assuming it wasn't doing that before shipping. Hopefully something is unseated (as the IDE cable was on the 1st unit).
I also had only 2 screws inside.

The screen flashing seemed normal to me. I remember some older screens that I had, that flashed until you turned the refresh rate up. On the one I got the OS installed on, everything came up, and Windows 2000 defaulted the refresh rate to 85Hz. After that, all my "flashing" went away and the unit's display looks VERY clean and sharp. No waviness or flashing.

Hey Digger-

My XP install is proceeding (slowly since I am not tending it) without issue. So it looks like it is possible at least... I did not format the drive, XP did when it found the disk. I did swap the CD to primary because the cabling was easier that way.


When looking at the unit from the "top"
Route the hard drive cable back, from the left to the right. Then pull it up just behind the first standoff, then pull it out towards what would have been the top. Once you do that, you can plug in the drive to the proper "primary" port, and still plug in the CDROM.

I will be installing the second unit tonight...or I hope to!

I still need to get these on a Kill-A-Watt...

For the one I installed, I still need to figure out the touchscreen...Elo drivers recognized it as plugged into COM3, and I verified that. Neat troubleshooting tools on the Elo website.
-I tried moving the plug to COM4, and sure enough the driver saw me move the the second one is in complete working order, so I can show the wife how much nicer an Elo screen is, over the other screens that I have around the house!
-Playing with this screen (troubleshooting tools) makes me think back to playing with ISA cards...set the address, IRQ, etc.!

Once I do that, I'll post back all my results.

Some of the units have inside screws and some dont. That is how they were when I got them. I did go through a ton of screws I had laying around to find more but only found a few. They arnt a big deal though since the side screws also hold the screen in place.

For some reason I keep getting errors when trying to reply...tried different browers, updating the browser, clearing the cache and still get a 501/505 error.
Not sure about the drivers working in 2000 but they are in the download section if you want to take a look.

PM sent on the jumping screen. None of them did that when they shipped but I will work with you to get that taken care of.
Should/can we get this thread (or at least the last couple pages) moved somewhere more appropriate? I have a feeling we will be discussing for a while. . .
I can move the non-sale related posts to the original thread if this is something people would like.