Brultech ECM plugin for Homeseer

Thanks for getting all the bugs worked out! I'm putting my pennies away right now to get one. Hopefully the RS-232 only version will be out by the time I get my $$ ready for it!!


I just placed an order for a ECM-1240 PKG A and four extra Micro CT's. I hope this works out ok, I have been following this product for a while and it looks very interesting. Paul has been very helpful answering questions.

I will probably try to monitor my main service, air conditioning, water heaters, clothes dryer, etc.

I was wondering how things are going with the software development?

Do you think I could be of any help with testing?

Will the data available be in a form that could be graphed with the Microsoft Chart product without too much difficulity?

I will be trying to use HSTouch, there may be some challanges there.

I know you have had your unit a while already, is there anything I should be looking at prior to the arrival of mine?


I just placed an order for a ECM-1240 PKG A and four extra Micro CT's. I hope this works out ok, I have been following this product for a while and it looks very interesting. Paul has been very helpful answering questions.

I will probably try to monitor my main service, air conditioning, water heaters, clothes dryer, etc.

I was wondering how things are going with the software development?

Do you think I could be of any help with testing?

Will the data available be in a form that could be graphed with the Microsoft Chart product without too much difficulity?

I will be trying to use HSTouch, there may be some challanges there.

I know you have had your unit a while already, is there anything I should be looking at prior to the arrival of mine?


I would be glad to have the help testing. The current version is at:

There will eventually be several programs included. (1) tenEcmServer that connects to the ECM12xx and provides the data to the other programs. (2) tenHsEcm12xx HS Plugin that provides the data in HS devices and accumulates an hour of ECM-12xx data. It will provide charting capability of some kind (3) Data Archiving program that will continually log data to an SQL database (4) Standalone charting program.

The Server and Plugin are running and available, although the plugin will go through some significant enhancements, including making it HSTouch friendly.


I just placed an order for a ECM-1240 PKG A and four extra Micro CT's. I hope this works out ok, I have been following this product for a while and it looks very interesting. Paul has been very helpful answering questions.

I will probably try to monitor my main service, air conditioning, water heaters, clothes dryer, etc.

I was wondering how things are going with the software development?

Do you think I could be of any help with testing?

Will the data available be in a form that could be graphed with the Microsoft Chart product without too much difficulity?

I will be trying to use HSTouch, there may be some challanges there.

I know you have had your unit a while already, is there anything I should be looking at prior to the arrival of mine?



Tenholde's plug-in has been working great in it's beta stage since it was released a couple of weeks ago. Ed is adding more features to it weekly.

I have been using with HS Touch and so far it is playing well together. I created meter graphics for each load monitored and use textboxes with hs.devicevalues and it updates live each second.

I do see some quirks with sometimes having to use device strings in lieu of values to display the data. Not sure yet if it is the plug-in or HS Touch bug. I have posed the question in the HS forum but not holding my breath for an answer.

You will definitely appreciate the simplicity and features of this plug-in when you are ready.

Good luck.

tenholde and Will,

Thanks for the information. I want to get started with this as soon as I can.

It seems like getting this information into HSTouch would be nice. Will, I was wondering what you are using for the meter graphics you mentioned in your post. I would like to get some charts in HSTouch and was wondering if the new Microsoft Chart Controls (free) would be a good way to go for charts. I am not sure how all of this would work, perhaps the charts can be displayed on a web page inside of HSTouch. With the present capabilities of HSTouch, I am not sure what options are available. I think Rich may eventually add the ability to make direct dll calls from within HSTouch, I am looking forward to that since I like to put as much of my code as I can in dlls to organize things a little better. I feel like I could probably get something working (in time) with a VB.NET Windows Forms App but working with HSTouch I am not sure how to best proceed. I know I am probably getting ahead of myself since I have to get the hardware installed first, but I am trying to get some thoughts together so I can get started.

Thanks again,
tenholde and Will,

Thanks for the information. I want to get started with this as soon as I can.

It seems like getting this information into HSTouch would be nice. Will, I was wondering what you are using for the meter graphics you mentioned in your post. I would like to get some charts in HSTouch and was wondering if the new Microsoft Chart Controls (free) would be a good way to go for charts. I am not sure how all of this would work, perhaps the charts can be displayed on a web page inside of HSTouch. With the present capabilities of HSTouch, I am not sure what options are available. I think Rich may eventually add the ability to make direct dll calls from within HSTouch, I am looking forward to that since I like to put as much of my code as I can in dlls to organize things a little better. I feel like I could probably get something working (in time) with a VB.NET Windows Forms App but working with HSTouch I am not sure how to best proceed. I know I am probably getting ahead of myself since I have to get the hardware installed first, but I am trying to get some thoughts together so I can get started.

Thanks again,


I built simple meter screens for each monitored load.

See attached.


For you guys that are monitoring "extra" devices. Do you have to run the magnets to the wire powering the device or does it attach in the circuit panel?
As soon as mine arrives, I'll be using the EtherBee. From the documentation, what little there is, I think the app has to talk directly to the network, I don't believe a COM port is created for it. I went the EtherBee route to easily support multiple 1240s in the future.

Out of curiosity, are there any plans to support 1240s connected via the Ethernet options?

I use a serial to ethernet converter for mine.

Can't tell the difference.