Elk RM F5 and F6 Buttons


On my Keypad it only has F1-F4 . On Elk RM I am able to write rules for F5 and F6 but I cannot figure out how to change their labels on the Elk RM screen on either a TS07 or the Computer. I must be overlooking something. In Elk RP they are not highlighted and cannot be changed. Help appreciated.
On my Keypad it only has F1-F4 . On Elk RM I am able to write rules for F5 and F6 but I cannot figure out how to change their labels on the Elk RM screen on either a TS07 or the Computer. I must be overlooking something. In Elk RP they are not highlighted and cannot be changed. Help appreciated.

I am not sure if this helps but Elk offers different keypad models, some have F1-F4 and some F1-F6.
On my Keypad it only has F1-F4 . On Elk RM I am able to write rules for F5 and F6 but I cannot figure out how to change their labels on the Elk RM screen on either a TS07 or the Computer. I must be overlooking something. In Elk RP they are not highlighted and cannot be changed. Help appreciated.

I haven't managed to get my ElkRMS to talk to the controller yet -- it always disconnects with "invalid user code" even though the ElkRP and Java+IE works. I also have the KP2/3, so I will explore this question when RMS works. In the meantime, you might consider posting your question to the Elk fora, my experience with these forums is that Elk monitors them, but rarely replies except to queries directed explicitly to them.
I am hoping someone has run into this situation as described in original post. Besides changing Keypads there must be a solution that I am overlooking to be able to put labels on F5 and F6 on Elk RM even if the keypad has only F1 thru F4.