Elve - version 0.24 beta


Active Member
Elve v0.24 is now available for download at http://codecoretechnologies.com with free time-limited licenses during the public beta period.

This version has some fairly significant new features. As we near our Summer v1.0 release we are focusing on fixing problems and adding must-have features.

Elve is already the simplest automation system to use and we are happy to say that things just got even easier for first time users.

This version features a great post-installation user experience to get users up and running even quicker then before. First time users will see the system preconfigured with working sample touch screen interfaces after installation. We've even updated the iPhone and Steel Dashboard interfaces with newer up to date features. If you are an existing user be sure to check the Sample Touchscreen Interface checkbox when installing since it will be unchecked for you. We also now support Open Source Uncompiled device driver files which makes it easier to share and collaborate on driver development. There are several other significant new features below as well.

Working System after Installation
* The following changes apply when installing on a machine that does not already contain any Elve configuration.
* Working touch screen examples are now installed.
** The Steel Dashboard touch screen interface example.
** The iPhone touch screen interface example.
* The General Purpose touch screen has been removed from the installation since it wasn't a good or reliable demonstration of the system and didn't demonstrate best practices.
* The default Admin user account is set to use the Steel Dashboard example when starting a Touch Screen Viewer app.
* The most common devices types are preconfigured with the system, including lighting, security, and climate control simulator devices and other devices.

Open Source Un-compiled Drivers
* Elve now supports open source un-compiled devices drivers. C# & VB.NET source code can be placed in Driver sub-directories and compiled dynamically at run time.

Simulator Drivers
* Added 5 new simulator device drivers to simulate lighting, climate control, security, input/output, and infrared blaster/receiver devices which are helpful for demonstrating the system and viewing/designing touch screen interfaces when a real hardware device is not available.

Device Scripting Identifier Aliases
* Alias names can now be assigned to devices to make it easier to use other user's touch screen interfaces rules, and scenes.

New Device Support
* Added Popcorn Hour driver.

Other New Features
* The log viewer now allows a time filter.
* The Test button in the IR test window is now more prominent.
* Added "Now" button to log viewer to set the start date filter to now.
* Added "Show Keyboard" buttons to the Touch Screen Viewer signin window.
* Added "Begin Editing Text" and "End Editing Text" events to the Text Entry UI control.

* Fixed: The Script Editor was not showing the auto-complete popup when a period was pressed after a number (but the number was at the end of an identifier).
* Fixed: The default setting for the POP3 driver's interval was in an invalid format.
* Fixed: The ignore recurrent occurrences duration control is now disabled when it's checkbox is unchecked.
* Fixed: The About Driver section in the Elve Management Studio Devices window had some fields in the wrong places.
* Fixed: The HAI Omni driver's zone temperatures and humidity values are now correct.
* Fixed: Improved error recovery in pop3 driver.
* Fixed: The HAI Omni Pro II driver no longer reports temperatures with a decimal.
* Fixed: A deadlock could easily occur in the Media Seek Slider control and Media Player Track Position Time control causing Touch Screen Viewer to freeze.
* Fixed: Prevent a rendering error in the Media Seek Slider control when a media track's duration is incorrectly set to 0.
* Fixed: The Touch Screen Viewer Image Browser now ensures that the selected item is visible when the window is opened.
* Fixed: Touch Screen text macros with extra scripting at the end (like .ToString()) would skip the extra scripting.
* Fixed: The SetZoneSource method in the Denon and Onkyo drivers was not working in the Action List Editor.
* Fixed: The Device List UI control could not be added to a touch screen.
* Fixed: When using url images (such as weather icon urls) the image could be shown as a bad image.
* Fixed: Undoing a SendToBack or BringToFront action in Touch Screen Build could cause a fatal error.
* Fixed: The iTunes driver stopped working in the prior release.
* Fixed: After deleting a device, an adjacent device is now selected in the device list.
* Fixed: When exporting a single touch screen, the suggested filename no longer includes path paths.
* Fixed: Prevented a fatal error from occurring when painting a control (usually a popup) while another thread removes the control from the panel.

iPhone Sample v3 Changes
* Replaced the arm security keypad with a TextEntry control and numeric keyboard.
* Renamed "elkm1" device references to "security" and "climate" to work with the updated initial installation configuration.

Steel Dashboard Sample v2 Changes
* Added music position slider control.
* The hvac buttons now indicate the current state.
* Added music search.
* Add a volume slider.
* Rearranged some of the controls.
* Added a fill image to sliders.
* All the lighting controls are now configured.
* Split the media controls out as individual controls for a better example.
* Renamed "elkm1" device references to "security" and "climate" to work with the updated initial installation configuration.

IMPORTANT: After upgrading from version 0.20 or earlier, each Elve user account must be edited, choose a default touch screen and save. You must save each user account even if you do not change the default touch screen. The user will not have access to touch screens until this is done.

Thanks you everyone for your continued support and feedback.
Version has been release as a quick patch version to an issue reported today.

Open source un-compiled drivers were not compiling properly by Elve on startup.

If you are not using any un-compiled driver files (.cs or .vb) then this patch will not affect you.
Is the HAI Omni driver an open source one? I'd be interested in working on it to add button and lighting scene support.
Is the HAI Omni driver an open source one? I'd be interested in working on it to add button and lighting scene support.

Jon, I can send you the source code. It uses HAI's .Net SDK which is not documented. In hind sight I wish I would have just used the standard tcp protocol since the .net sdk is not documented and there isn't a huge amount of support for it by HAI. After having some experience with it I think HAI just created it for their own needs and not the general public's needs so it's not exactly what you would expect. It does not abstract the hai protocol but rather is somewhere in between the tcp protocol and a nice .net interface with events and abstracted methods like TriggerButton(1), etc. :D

If you are interested in updating the driver using the hai .net sdk let me know and I'll send you the driver.
Are the buttons named? I would imagine so.

Elk uses the the concepts of Tasks which I think are analogous to Buttons. If so you should implement the ITasksDriver interface in the driver.

Assuming the buttons have names, if you are able to retrieve the button names (assuming I am not already doing that) then I can expose them to the user unless you want to give it a try yourself.

Let me know if you have any questions.
I just started scratching the surface of this and was thinking the same thing about tasks. Yes, button names are available.
Version has been released which fixes a couple issues.

* Open source un-compiled drivers were not starting up properly.

* Touch Screen Loader radio buttons would not be auto-selected when the associated inner touch screen was changed independently of the button.

Thank you for reporting these issues.
Version has been released with a great new feature and several fixes.

Persisted Touch Screen State
Inner touch screen controls now remember the state of the currently shown touch screen when it is changed. This means that when you navigate back to the same touch screen it will look the same as it did when you left it. So music searches will still be there, web pages, etc.

* Fixed: The UPB driver could incorrectly report that it had lost it's connection.
* Fixed: If the '# of scripts running' performance counter could not be created, scripts will still run.
* Fixed: Un-compiled drivers (.cs or .vb files) were not starting properly.
* Fixed: Touch Screen Loader buttons were not getting checked (shown as selected) when the associated inner touch screen control's interface changed by means other than pressing the loader control to the same interface that the loader control sets it to.

The changes above are from both 0.24.2 and 0.24.3.
Version has been released with support for Aprilaire thermostats and the Nuvo Music Port Server, plus HAI, Elk, and other improvements and fixes. The iPhone sample touch screen interface also has new irrigation and Tivo control screens.

New Device Support
* Added Aprilaire thermostat driver
* Added Nuvo NV-MPS4 Music Port Server driver

* Added Button support to HAI driver.
* Added Area Chime Modes list to Elk M1 driver.
* Added Trigger Zone action to Elk M1 driver to momentarily open and violate a zone.
* Improved the verbosity of the error logging.
* The Touch Screen Loader Button control can now load a touch screen into the container that the button is in.
* Improved a few ZWave driver error messages.

* Fixed: Touch Screen interfaces were not receiving property change notifications for scripting identifier aliases.
* Fixed: The Elk M1 driver's 'CustomValue' property name has changed to 'CustomValues' to be consistent with other plural names. This is a breaking change if using this property in your scripts or touch screens.
* Fixed: Cleaned up a few error messages that were being logged related to the touch service and attempting to send data over a closed tcp connection.
* Fixed: Changed light level range in HAI driver to 0-100.
* Fixed: Any onscreen keyboard is now closed when navigating to a different inner touch screen.

iPhone Sample v4 Changes
* Added Irrigation screen
* Added Tivo screen
* Added 'More' button and 'More' screen