If you buy a CCTV server from me it comes that way, soon I will have CCTV, SageTV and some automation goodies in one box.
It's not as easy to get working correctly as they make it seem.
If you don't get EWF running you will smoke the CF in short order.
Need mo RAM, EWF writes almost all changes to the C:\ to RAM. You must have enough to store all changes, plus normal operations.
What is really kicking that in the ass is call HORM, it boots from a hybernation file like a laptop. It doesn't normally go through a full boot, it starts where the developer wants it to. Getting this to work right is a major PITA for some applications, others it's as easy as hitting the hybernate key.
EDIT: I posted then watched the video, it would speed it up running from a hybernation file. I have seen them pop up with a frontend running and winamp already has a song loaded and in intro. Also he could ditch the explorer shell and save some more time but most people want that, it keep my machines waranteed. :angry: