Haiku Haiku custom URL

Is the reverse true? Can Haiku launch custom URLs? Can I add a button to Haiku to launch another application. I am going to have a dedicated Ipad Mini for my theater room that will run Haiku for home automation and Roomie for the remote and it would be cool if I could easily swap between the two without going through the home screen.
Yes, please. I have a number of projects that could certainly use the ability for Haiku to use URL schemes to return. Thanks.
Is the reverse true? Can Haiku launch custom URLs? Can I add a button to Haiku to launch another application. I am going to have a dedicated Ipad Mini for my theater room that will run Haiku for home automation and Roomie for the remote and it would be cool if I could easily swap between the two without going through the home screen.

OT: Have you looked at iRule? I am able to communicate to HaikuHelper, all of my network ready devices, as well as all of my infrared devices form an iPad. I can control anything in the whole house from my Ipad. If you have specific questions I can help.

Any update on haiku launching apps? I would love to be able to launch the apple remote app or other radio apps within haiku.