Hello from Austin, TX

Hey everyone, I just jumped on this forum earlier today, signed up and I'm looking forward to learning about home automation and security, and hopefully setting my house up.

I currently have an older home security system in the house, and would like to upgrade it, also would like to get into home automation. I am very picky, and probably do way to much research on any home electronics, auto electronics, or any other gadgets that I have interest in. I would like to first of all get informed on what is out there, so I can be a smart shopper, and also learn about what is coming to the market.

I guess what has peaked my interest, is my bro-in law, just had his house setup with a company (Vivint), which I guess used to be APX, and had some minor HA done to his house. I was very impressed. I knew the technology was out there, I just didn't know it could be done that quick and setup so easy. So before I do anything that makes me sign a contract, I want to get informed. I am not signing a contract with this company, unless they turn out to be the best option for me, I just know that there has to be a way for me to do some of this stuff without the contracts and such. Anyways, again it is good to be here, I hope that I can help you as much as I know you will help me.


First, Howdy (I want to speak your native tongue) :)
Second, if Vivint's offering is anybody's BEST option I would be mighty surprised. I've seen it in action and, well, let's just say that you could do better and by simply joining this forum, you have more home automation experience than any of their technicians.
hi Maxwell881, welcome to CocoonTech!

Are you interested in setting this all up yourself, i.e., do you have the time and resources to set this up, and maintain it? Or are you more interested in a commercial install? There is a massive cost difference, but if you aren't interested in doing this yourself, and just want it to work, then getting an integrator involved is definitely required. Keep in mind that once you go the commercial route, you are usually not allowed to make many (if any) changes to the system.

What devices would you like to automate? Are you looking for a security system as well? What about whole house audio?
Well thank you AnthonyZ and Dan Electron, I appreciate your quick post. Like I said in my post I am very new to this, so when I saw the vivint setup at my in-law's, I have to be honest, it was pretty cool. I have always wanted to do something like home automation, but never really knew what avenue to start at. I am somewhat knowledgeable when it comes to electronics, and liked to be thought of as someone who knows what cutting edge type of stuff is out there, but with this stuff, I really am a newb. Anyways, I would like to try to do a simple install myself. You know, start small, with the H VAC or door locks, even a simple security setup, then add on as needed or when wanted. I just want to get in, and get some knowledge about this, setup something that I can upgrade in the future and something that is safe. And by the way, what is an integrator?

I guess by your post Anthony, that you have totally made me think twice about vivint. I never even heard of this company until the other day, so instead of getting into a contract, I wanted to see what they are all about. They do have a lot of negative feedback, but they also have some good positive feedback, but I think that is going to happen from door to door salesmen who are selling alarms. Frankly, I am sick of these guys coming to my house to sell me the best alarm system that money can buy, and I think that this is one of the reason's that I am here on this forum. I do want camera's outside, I want to be able to control H VAC, alarm's, doors, sound system, sprinklers, etc....... So to answer your questions, I want to be able to control what ever I can, just start small and work my way big.
Nice to have another Austinite!

Not a big fan of contracts myself. You tend not to get a whole lot and in the end it costs you 10 times more. When it comes to HA, I frimly believe you have to do it yourself. You have to do the programming because only you can really figure out what it is that makes your life better. If every time you want to tweak your system it is a $200 service call, well, you get my drift.
Well hello Lou Apo,

It is nice to see some other people from Austin here. Thanks for the warm welcome. I hope to learn a lot from here. I myself am not a fan of contracts also, but sometimes you have to do it, and it sucks. I was hesitant to sign a contract with these guys from Vivint, just because I wanted to do some research on them as a company and on home automation.

I really am glad that I decided to join this forum, and already I have started to learn about HA, and basically that I don't have to get into a contract to do some HA. I can just study a bit, and knock it out myself, and do it at my pace, not the pace of a big company trying to get my money on a monthly basis.
Well thank you AnthonyZ and Dan Electron, I appreciate your quick post. Like I said in my post I am very new to this, so when I saw the vivint setup at my in-law's, I have to be honest, it was pretty cool. I have always wanted to do something like home automation, but never really knew what avenue to start at. I am somewhat knowledgeable when it comes to electronics, and liked to be thought of as someone who knows what cutting edge type of stuff is out there, but with this stuff, I really am a newb. Anyways, I would like to try to do a simple install myself. You know, start small, with the H VAC or door locks, even a simple security setup, then add on as needed or when wanted. I just want to get in, and get some knowledge about this, setup something that I can upgrade in the future and something that is safe. And by the way, what is an integrator?

I guess by your post Anthony, that you have totally made me think twice about vivint. I never even heard of this company until the other day, so instead of getting into a contract, I wanted to see what they are all about. They do have a lot of negative feedback, but they also have some good positive feedback, but I think that is going to happen from door to door salesmen who are selling alarms. Frankly, I am sick of these guys coming to my house to sell me the best alarm system that money can buy, and I think that this is one of the reason's that I am here on this forum. I do want camera's outside, I want to be able to control H VAC, alarm's, doors, sound system, sprinklers, etc....... So to answer your questions, I want to be able to control what ever I can, just start small and work my way big.

You have a couple of options if you want to go the DIY route. I would take a good look at Z-Wave. They offer thermostats, door locks, and many other devices, allowing you to automate almost any aspect of the house. You will need a security system and/or a home automation controller, so we need to get this 'foundation' done properly, or you will limit yourself in the future.

If you want a high quality security system, with basic home automation control, I would take a look at the ELK M1 or HAI OmniPro controller. Both support Z-Wave via the Leviton VRC0P interface. The new 2GIG Go!Control panel is also very nice, completely wireless, supports Z-Wave, and can be accessed on any smartphone via the alarm.com app. This is a nice system, but does require a professional to install this (since it includes GSM monitoring). The ELK/HAI panels are more flexible, and can be installed yourself, but do have a higher cost, so it all depends on which route you want to go.

If you just want home automation, while monitoring the status of some doors/windows (and aren't interested in professional monitoring services), then take a look at a good home automation controller. I would strongly recommend the Mi Casa Verde Vera 2 controller, which supports every Z-Wave device out there, and is upgradeable, or the brand new HomeSeer HomeTroller-SE, which is basically a tiny XP machine running the popular HomeSeer software (very flexible!).

There is so much more, so it's probably best we try to figure out some of your requirements, and maybe start a new thread in the right forum with the questions you might have.
Need some basic info.

1) How big is your home?
2) How much money are you considering spending?
3) How much stuff do you want to automate?
4) Is your old security system hard wired and if so, is the wiring as complete as you need? Are there wires to the touchpads and if so are they at least 4 stranded?
5) How old is your house, or a better question, is it new enough that you have a common wire to every box?
6) Are you comfortable working with basic electrical wiring and would you be willing to program your system (if/then/else type stuff)

The common systems to diy HA are

Elk M1G

All of the above co's support diy and everything you might want can be purchased retail. Customer support won't really trouble shoot for you, however, so you need a forum like this. The only exception to that is if you go with Insteon and buy an ISY controller, UD (who makes ISY) will support the bejesus out of you. They also troulbe shoot Insteon problems not related to the ISY and I have a feeling they will do the same for the Elk M1G when they deliver the integration module (hopefully soon).
Ok Dan, I will start a new thread in another forum. In my case, which forum would you recommend me start it in? I will start it off with some things that Lou asked me;

Some basic info.

1) How big is your home?
2) How much money are you considering spending?
3) How much stuff do you want to automate?
4) Is your old security system hard wired and if so, is the wiring as complete as you need? Are there wires to the touchpads and if so are they at least 4 stranded?
5) How old is your house, or a better question, is it new enough that you have a common wire to every box?
6) Are you comfortable working with basic electrical wiring and would you be willing to program your system (if/then/else type stuff)

The common systems to diy HA are

Elk M1G
You can keep asking your questions in here, but if you have MANY questions, then I would suggest splitting up the thread ;)
OK, will do. You guys were a big help right off the bat. I am talking to some people now, and getting ideas of where I need to go next with this project. Thanks.