Help with programing PLC and setup mail


Any body can help me with how to setup email notification?
And i need to receive mail for example when temperature T1 greater than 40 and when less than 35 and if possible to send the value
Hope to have help soon
You will need to setup a Yahoo email account for the WebControl board.  Enter that into top section of the notification screen.
In the email notification, pick one, say, EM1 for this Hotmail account, enter the address there.  Once you saved the configuration, you should be able to press the test button on top to  see if your Hotmail account received email from WebControl.
Inside email, all the values are listed inside.
Once you get this far, you can write a simple PLC program to send email at greater than 40 and less than 35.
You also have the option of using your ISP email account. The one limitation to be aware of is WebControl supports outgoing   authentication but not SSL (email encryption). As long as your ISP allows you to send unencrypted email should be easy.
Already i look in the manual brfore i post this question,
I didn't know what i must write in each of the mail setting
Do you have question in the notification screen, or PLC program?
For notification screen, the top part enter your sender information, which email account you use to send out email.  That must be NON-SSL email server, like Yahoo email server or inside COX network email server  Then in each EM1-EM8, you decide who will receive email, that is normally different email account from sending account.  Then enter the message you want to tell the other side, for example, temperature is beyond 40C, or temperature is below 35F.
Once you got that configured, you can save the configuration and THEN test the email is working.
After you get that working, we will continue help you with PLC programming.  Please first confirm your email notification is configured okay.
I will try and reply,
I want to ask what is the maximam Amps that can use with the controller?
I supply th controller with 5 Amps, 12 VDC
And connect it with 6 relay each 5 VDC
And i mesure the amps is reached 5 Amps and some part of device become too hot,
Is there any way you can help me to supply the relay with power if i use 500 mA to run the controller and thr 5 A to supply the relays?
Thank you very much,
Am very happy for your support and for your device
In the manual:
The maximum current that can be sourced or sinked by one of these outputs at a time is 20mA or 100mA for the whole board.
The 5V regulator is only rated to 1A total and if you are using 12V you should probably not use more than 500mA total it will get too hot.
You should probably be using something like this but even that may use too much current per the comments on the 2-channel version.
AZ1324 is correct, the on board 5V regulator is not capable of handling 5A relays. If you are using relay board, you could have its own regulator, only connect the signal pin  to the WebControl TTL output and ground connect to ground.  You could use 5V only provide reference voltage, like connect door sensor to the TTL input, etc.
Thank you very much,
Is there any idea how to do that?
To connect the power to relay and how to get signal from the board to the relay?
If you can show some of basic digram for
Me because i didn't know to much about electronic
Thanks very much
Thank you very much,
Is there any idea how to do that?
To connect the power to relay and how to get signal from the board to the relay?
If you can show some of basic digram for
Me because i didn't know to much about electronic
Thanks very much
On the TTL output terminals, there are 10 positions in a row.  The first 8 of them are the control signal terminals, at TTL level.  The rest two terminals are ground pins.
You can power your relay board separately, then connect ground together, then from whichever TTL output you want to use to the relay board TTL input.  That is all. 
The 12V relay board AZ1324 pointed out should work.  Some the relay board has low TTL input to turn relay on,  it is better to have TTL level high to turn relay on, so that if power lost the output will not be on.
Thanks very much,
I slready buy 6 relay is there any way to do it without buying this board that you reffer to it because it not available in our country and it will take time to receive if order,
And if this problem solved i will ask for other thing and for board with sensor and that relay board if you can sell