Honeywell wireless motion detectors compatible with M1?


On the wireless Honeywell motion detectors (5800PIR) the options seem to be programmed wirelessly (no dip switches). Does this mean newer Honeywell products have 2 way communications and thus I won't be able to set these options using the M1 compatible Honeywell wireless sensor receiver?
The 5894PI is a newer model that has dip switches but it does not seem to be widely available.
The other option is the Resolution products motion sensors  as they have jumpers.
I don't believe the wireless detectors use 2-way communication to set the options.  Rather, alarm conditions for the different sensitivity settings are transmitted on different loop numbers by the PIR detector (e.g. loop 1 is low sensitivity and is what you want for pet immunity; loop 2 disables pet immunity).   All you need to do is configure the M1 to trip on the proper loop number.  To put it another way, the PIR transmits all detected motion events.  Loop 1 and loop 2 are just a way to tag them as being a pet immune event or a non-pet-immune event and you configure the M1 to listen for the type you want.