
I want a nice GUI frontend for my whole house audio system. Its so nice to be able to graphically browse through my library and select a CD to play or select a number of tracks. With over 700 CD's a graphics front end like MusicLobby or Netremote is a must.

As for HA needs, for me its the opposite. Turning on and off a few lights around the house is not that big of job. Right now Homeseer handles that and things like sending the IR commands with little trouble. Heck just buy an ELK to handle most of the actual HA work and stick a GUI front end on it for the user interface. The problem is you will still need a PC with some HA functions for handling quality TTS, weather and other things the ELK will not handle. But if you drop the security functions off your list of needs then a good HA application that is PC based will suffice. For ELK users the problem lies with having the applications (plugins) to 'glue' all of the system parts together (the GUI frontend, the ELK and the HA PC server).

If you look at my Now Playing you will see the 5 zone whole house audio portion 'showcases' the setup. A pop up light control panel handles the lights. Its not a big deal to have the touchscreen clients handling both functions as it pertains to the user interface. I wanted my user interface (client side) to give me access to all my Music & HA needs.

I run 2 servers right now. One has the JRMC music library and Homeseer on it. The other is running MCE for my PVR needs. Even with 5 clients connected and all 5 zones playing a seperate CD my CPU usage is still under 40%. There is no problem turning a light on and off. Even the TTS using a high quality voice has no problems under full load use.

Lastly I have all my CD's ripped using APE. I prefer a lossless format. I have compared MP3 and APE and there is a huge quality difference that is easy to hear. I wanted a high quality sound system and not background music.

If money was not an object, I would probably use Mainlobby suite or CQC. But not all of us have that kind of cash to spend. CQC seems to be a complete package but with a limited support for hardware. Mainlobby is more of a GUI frontend to Homeseer (yes the new ML3 does have some HA function built in now). Both of them would handle music & HA needs. The problem lies not only in the fact that both 'suites' cost hundreds of dollars but they also both need alot of horsepower on the client side to run the GUI. Netremote runs on slower and less expensive touchscreens. I suspect the GUI for HB also would run on a slower machine. Not all of us have the budget that some people on this forum do.

My comments were about Housebot (since this is a hb thread). From what I have read it handles the HA function pretty well on both the client side and server side. But it lacks the music handling functions. One solution would be to have a plugin for HB that would handle Girder commands and give people the ability to design the GUI interface in Netremote (which handles music needs excellent with its Mediabridge server for a dozen different players) as well as sending and receiving commands from HB for the HA needs.

I'm not sure about Girder as I don't use it, but I do see a "Girder Bridge" device listed in the Housebot devices...

I just downloaded the latest winamp (lite) and added the Winamp device in HB as a test to see if I could help. I see about 28 properties, and they seem to be active and changeable, but since I don't have an audio card in this eval box, I can't test audio at the moment. I'll see if I can dig one up tonight and do a little more testing.

I'm assuming that I can do as I've done in Xlobby and run seperate instances of Winamp and point a different HB winamp device to each one for multiple zones.

HouseBot provides a means to coummunicate with Girder. Here's an excerpt from the Help file:

HouseBot Girder Bridge Device Plugin Overview

The HouseBot Girder Bridge Device is a Software Device that can be used to control the Girder application. Girder is a program that can take any input and translate it into actions on your computer. These actions can be, for example, controlling a DVD player or shutting down windows. Girder is free for personal use and can be found at the Girder web site.

The HouseBot Girder Bridge Device provides these primary features:

Remote Control of a HTPC (Home Theater Personal Computer).

The Girder Bridge Device communicates with Girder over a LAN connection. This means that HouseBot can control Girder equipment remotely. It can also control Girder equipment running on the local HouseBot computer.

Leverage existing Girder Plugins and Groups.
Girder supports a wide variety of equipment that may not be supported in HouseBot. The Girder Bridge allows HouseBot to leverage the functionality of Girder for controlling equipment that is not currently supported in HouseBot.

More support for controlling external applications.
Girder provides control of the mouse, keyboard, OS and Windows, etc.

The HouseBot Girder Bridge Device uses the Girder Internet Event Server to communicate with the Girder application.
lazyone said:
Seems to be a problem with the Housebot Forum. I have signed up, but never received my confirmation email. The error messege says to contact the administrator, but you can't unless you are signed in to their forum. hmmmmm
No email is necessary. Just mention it somewhere on the Internet and I'll hear it :angry: Seriously, I've activated your account. You're not the first to experience problems with the registration process, so I've disabled the email back feature for now.
jwilson56 said:
The problem lies not only in the fact that both 'suites' cost hundreds of dollars but they also both need alot of horsepower on the client side to run the GUI. Netremote runs on slower and less expensive touchscreens. I suspect the GUI for HB also would run on a slower machine. Not all of us have the budget that some people on this forum do.
Don't want to stray OT, rather just address this one point. This is simply not true depending of course on your definition of 'alot of horsepower'. I run the CQC viewer on an old 400Mhz laptop with 256MB of ram and it runs perfectly fine. The DNV also runs on PDA's and cell phones. Certainly if you have a ton of complex graphics the interface may be snappiest on a more powerful machine, but they run fine on lower end stuff.
roussell said:
I'm not sure about Girder as I don't use it, but I do see a "Girder Bridge" device listed in the Housebot devices...

I just downloaded the latest winamp (lite) and added the Winamp device in HB as a test to see if I could help. I see about 28 properties, and they seem to be active and changeable, but since I don't have an audio card in this eval box, I can't test audio at the moment. I'll see if I can dig one up tonight and do a little more testing.

I'm assuming that I can do as I've done in Xlobby and run seperate instances of Winamp and point a different HB winamp device to each one for multiple zones.

No offense but Winamp is not a very good database for you music library. JRMC really does a good job of that. It also handles multizone better than anything else I have looked at.

Hope the interest in Housebot continues on CT.
Yea, there's been more HouseBot activity here in one day than on the HouseBot forums all week!

I stopped by to see if I could answer any questions, but it seems the CocoonTech members have handled it as well as I could have.... well probably better.
123 said:
HouseBot provides a means to coummunicate with Girder. Here's an excerpt from the Help file:

HouseBot Girder Bridge Device Plugin Overview

The HouseBot Girder Bridge Device is a Software Device that can be used to control the Girder application. Girder is a program that can take any input and translate it into actions on your computer. These actions can be, for example, controlling a DVD player or shutting down windows. Girder is free for personal use and can be found at the Girder web site.

The HouseBot Girder Bridge Device provides these primary features:

Remote Control of a HTPC (Home Theater Personal Computer).

The Girder Bridge Device communicates with Girder over a LAN connection. This means that HouseBot can control Girder equipment remotely. It can also control Girder equipment running on the local HouseBot computer.

Leverage existing Girder Plugins and Groups.
Girder supports a wide variety of equipment that may not be supported in HouseBot. The Girder Bridge allows HouseBot to leverage the functionality of Girder for controlling equipment that is not currently supported in HouseBot.

More support for controlling external applications.
Girder provides control of the mouse, keyboard, OS and Windows, etc.

The HouseBot Girder Bridge Device uses the Girder Internet Event Server to communicate with the Girder application.

I wonder if Housebot will 'receive' Girder commands so that Girder could control Housebot. From the description it sounds as if Housebot can control Girder.

No offense taken. :angry:

I agree and only use Winamp for the actual playback; all cataloging/sorting/DB functions are done through Xlobby, which for me is an excellent system for media control. As you mentioned, Housebot itself doesn't seem to have a way to catalog/store music. I think that was the big appeal with the meedio/housebot integration. I myself am more like Upstatemike in that I want independent systems for my AV stuff and for HA. I do however want a nice UI that ties the two together seamlessly for the end-user.

mdesmarais said:
How do you see Xlobby and Housebot fitting together? I'll need a media solution sooner or later. . .


I don't actually "use" Housebot presently, I've just been evaluating it for a while now... If I replace my current system, it stands to be my choice at this point.

I probably wouldn't use HB and Xlobby together as there are a few too many overlapping functions. If I were to use Housebot as the HA app and the user interface, then I would probably use Meedio/Yahoo for media and control it through Housebot since plugins already exist for that integration.

Presently my HA app is MisterHouse on Linux. My user interface is Xlobby/Windows and MisterHouse’s web interface. As mentioned earlier, Xlobby also controls my music/DVD collection. Currently they communicate via the mhsend script that comes with MisterHouse, but they are both xAP aware so I am working toward full integration using that.

ScottBot said:
Hope the interest in Housebot continues on CT.
Yea, there's been more HouseBot activity here in one day than on the HouseBot forums all week!

I stopped by to see if I could answer any questions, but it seems the CocoonTech members have handled it as well as I could have.... well probably better.
So Scott what are the chances of getting Netremote to have two way Girder communications with Housebot? This would solve the music database/player GUI frontend problem and let NR buttons turn on/off audio equipment via Housebot. Netremote comes with Mediabridge which can work with many different media players (winamp, JRMC, ect).

This is getting confusing... Netremote, Girder, Housebot, xLobby, Meedio, JMRC, winAmp, Mediabridge, MainLobby...

I don't suppose somebody wants to do a quick summary as to which is an HA system or a front end or a media player? I don't really understand which pieces work together and which substitute for others!
As upstatemike hinted at, it would be useful if all these and other HA sofware packages could be classified in general functionality terms and listed somewhere on this site. I don't know what functionality terms could be used however, since many of these products seem to do one or two things in depth and seem to do a bit of several others as well to varying degrees. Possible functionality terms that could be used:

- Rules/logic processing
- Media player, or player control
- GUI front end for product x
- HTML or app based
