I have an Elk M1 Gold here that I'm setting up for my friends house so I did some testing. I biased that ten turn Bourns 100 ohm potentiometer with 13 volts and connected it to channel 16 of the Elk M1 as shown in the schematic above (in the actual How-To post).
I then looked at the "Status" option in the ELK RP software which shows the actual voltage each of those zones is currently set at.
I set that channel 16 to a "Type 34, Analog Zone" then looked at it's status via that menu (far right end of that menu).
I then connected a multimeter so it measures voltage across zone 16 as well.
I then turned the potentiometer one rotation and noted the voltage displayed by the Elk 'Status' software and my multimeter. I plotted the results as shown below.
(Click on Picture for Full Sized Image)
Elk Pot Test Results
I think based on this test that the Elk M1 should work for this garage door monitor. Maybe someone from Elk can verify this as I performed the test very quickly.
One thing to note is that by biasing the potentiometer at 13 volts your wattage increased, but it is still below the rated two watts of the pot.
I could do some more testing, but will need some guidance as I'm not that familiar with the Elk yet. Should I use my.Elk software and HomeSeer to get the actual values from the Elk? What rules would I have to use for polling if any?
Also, your power supply must be able to handle 13/100 or 0.13 amps.
As far as your image, send me a PM and I'll attach it to your post.
I have an Elk M1 Gold here that I'm setting up for my friends house so I did some testing. I biased that ten turn Bourns 100 ohm potentiometer with 13 volts and connected it to channel 16 of the Elk M1 as shown in the schematic above (in the actual How-To post).
I then looked at the "Status" option in the ELK RP software which shows the actual voltage each of those zones is currently set at.
I set that channel 16 to a "Type 34, Analog Zone" then looked at it's status via that menu (far right end of that menu).
I then connected a multimeter so it measures voltage across zone 16 as well.
I then turned the potentiometer one rotation and noted the voltage displayed by the Elk 'Status' software and my multimeter. I plotted the results as shown below.
(Click on Picture for Full Sized Image)
Elk Pot Test Results
I think based on this test that the Elk M1 should work for this garage door monitor. Maybe someone from Elk can verify this as I performed the test very quickly.
One thing to note is that by biasing the potentiometer at 13 volts your wattage increased, but it is still below the rated two watts of the pot.
I could do some more testing, but will need some guidance as I'm not that familiar with the Elk yet. Should I use my.Elk software and HomeSeer to get the actual values from the Elk? What rules would I have to use for polling if any?
Also, your power supply must be able to handle 13/100 or 0.13 amps.
As far as your image, send me a PM and I'll attach it to your post.