This is a redo / rebuilt of a Tasmota Sonoff Basic generation 1 that has been working now for 3+ years.
This works fine with the Tasmota web interface, Homeseer 3-4 and Home Assistant.
Note with the Sonoff Basic R1 cut the 120VAC traces of the board with a small saw.

You need some soldering skills for this project.
This is being done to take the MyQ GDO off of the Internet. I also have the OmniPro 2 panel connected to the garage door opener and sensors.
Sandbox house is using the MyQ GDO (2 years now)
Hardware: (all items purchased on Amazon)
Wemos mini D1
Wemos mini D1 relay hat

DS18x20 temperature sensor. Here soldered the drop down resistor between data pin and vcc and extended 3 wires about 8" or so from Wemos D1 Mini. I heat shrink wrapped the end of the sensor with resistor. Doing a second one and will take some granular pictures of it.

2 contact magnetic reed sensors

Modified garage door button for my garage door opener.
LiftMaster 883LMW Wall-Mounted Wired Push Garage Door Opener and Doorbell Button with Light Button *
* Must be LiftMaster branded garage door opener button. This is the modification to convert digital button to analog.

6 port electrical outlet with USB ports. This is the one I purchased and using.

Drawing of wiring for relay hat when soldered in to place. D1 is GPIO 5.

Wiring drawing - pics - made two of them.
1 - solder the Relay hat over the Wemo Mini D1 - pin label to pin label.

2 - diagram of pins used.

3 - DS1820B20 - rewire to short cable - noticed when wired directly to Wemos D1 Mini sensor was too warm.
4 - Tasmota configuration with one reed sensor connected. Note "toggle 2" is reed switch 1. When garage door opens it goes to "on"
Tasmota commands in console specific to GDO.
pulsetime1 1
This makes the devices relay activates for a second, The garage door will think it’s you pushing a button.
Switchretain 1
This will make it so that Home Assistant gets the last state from the door sensor after a reboot.
Powerretain 1
This will stop the relay from randomly triggering when the Sonoff disconnects and reconnects to the MQTT broker.
poweronstate 0
switchmode1 2
switchmode2 2
poweronstate 0
Rule1 on switch1#state=0 do publish2 stat/%topic%/status open endon on switch1#state=1 do publish2 stat/%topic%/status closed endon
rule1 1
Rule2 on switch2#state=0 do publish2 stat/%topic%/status open endon on switch2#state=1 do publish2 stat/%topic%/status closed endon
Rule2 1

This works fine with the Tasmota web interface, Homeseer 3-4 and Home Assistant.
Note with the Sonoff Basic R1 cut the 120VAC traces of the board with a small saw.

You need some soldering skills for this project.
This is being done to take the MyQ GDO off of the Internet. I also have the OmniPro 2 panel connected to the garage door opener and sensors.
Sandbox house is using the MyQ GDO (2 years now)
Hardware: (all items purchased on Amazon)
Wemos mini D1
Wemos mini D1 relay hat

DS18x20 temperature sensor. Here soldered the drop down resistor between data pin and vcc and extended 3 wires about 8" or so from Wemos D1 Mini. I heat shrink wrapped the end of the sensor with resistor. Doing a second one and will take some granular pictures of it.

2 contact magnetic reed sensors

Modified garage door button for my garage door opener.
LiftMaster 883LMW Wall-Mounted Wired Push Garage Door Opener and Doorbell Button with Light Button *
* Must be LiftMaster branded garage door opener button. This is the modification to convert digital button to analog.

6 port electrical outlet with USB ports. This is the one I purchased and using.

Drawing of wiring for relay hat when soldered in to place. D1 is GPIO 5.

Wiring drawing - pics - made two of them.
1 - solder the Relay hat over the Wemo Mini D1 - pin label to pin label.

2 - diagram of pins used.

3 - DS1820B20 - rewire to short cable - noticed when wired directly to Wemos D1 Mini sensor was too warm.
4 - Tasmota configuration with one reed sensor connected. Note "toggle 2" is reed switch 1. When garage door opens it goes to "on"
Tasmota commands in console specific to GDO.
pulsetime1 1
This makes the devices relay activates for a second, The garage door will think it’s you pushing a button.
Switchretain 1
This will make it so that Home Assistant gets the last state from the door sensor after a reboot.
Powerretain 1
This will stop the relay from randomly triggering when the Sonoff disconnects and reconnects to the MQTT broker.
poweronstate 0
switchmode1 2
switchmode2 2
poweronstate 0
Rule1 on switch1#state=0 do publish2 stat/%topic%/status open endon on switch1#state=1 do publish2 stat/%topic%/status closed endon
rule1 1
Rule2 on switch2#state=0 do publish2 stat/%topic%/status open endon on switch2#state=1 do publish2 stat/%topic%/status closed endon
Rule2 1

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