HVAC System Opinion


Senior Member
I am building out a new office. It is about 3700sf. I am very frustrated by the poor zoning in my old office. I have looked at a number of options and the one I am leaning toward is the Mitsubishi VRF "citi-multi" system. It has one large outdoor compressor unit that runs all the freon into a manifold in the ceiling space. From there it sends freon to multiple air handlers, each of which has its own thermostat and conditions just a few rooms (or even just a single room). The system is like double the price of a conventional system but they claim it has significant operational cost advantage and it just works a heck of a lot better. The compressor is continuously variable speed and instead of cycling just gently ramps up and down as cooling/heating is needed (though it does cycle off when absolutely no cooling/heating is needed). Because of the continuous operation at minimal level, you keep your demand peaks down which lowers your kwh price. This and the fact that it is highly efficient in general is where they claim it pays off in 5 years.

I know this isn't exactly the right forum for this, but does anyone have experience with this system?