Of course hard wiring will require you to wire your house in a very non-standard way. Then in a few years when lightning destroys 8 of your 77 installed switches you will find that the company has gone out of business or changed to a different system that is not compatible. You try to move switches from less critical areas but you are still stuck with 8 locations with only low voltage wire so you can't even stick a manual switch there. So you decide to rplace the whole system with something newer but nothing on the market uses the wiring schem that is pulled to the switch locations so you start trying to find ways to fish new wire to all your electrical boxes but it is not going well and the drill just nicked a water pipe and you don't know where the shutoff is and it is pouring down on your home theater system but you don't dare try to move anything because sparks are jumping all over the place and you don't want to get electrocuted and one of them just caught the curtains on fire and you think to yourself: "Was hard wired lighting really the best choice for my house?"