Discovered that a TP-Link switch I have isn't connecting to my pfsense box at full speed - it's getting a 100Mbps connection. So I started looking around as I have several similar switches in rooms where I have more than one network thing attached. Seems to be a common problem with 100Mbps several places I have checked. The connections between switch and PC in each case is a short patch cable rated for gigabit speed. If I connect other things with the same cables they connect at full speed. I did a google search and found some people having problems but didn't find anyone saying it was a widespread issue with these switches. I know the switches are low end. But if they claim gigabit it seems like I should get that, at least with short cables. It's not a huge deal as everything is working ok but getting full speed would be nice and trying to understand what the issue is. Any suggestions? BTW, the switch is TL-SG108 and the 5 port version TL-SG105.