Keypad temp monitoring


I have a M1Gold panel, with a M1KP keypad (built in temp sensor). I am currently using rules to monitor this temp sensor and call me and email me when temp drops. All is working fine.

However, I now want to switch to a monitoring company, probably Alarm relay.

How do I get the panel to send a "zone" type of alarm that the monitoring company can receive? I can't see a way within rules programming to trip a zone when my temp drops too low. Can it be done?
zones can't be tripped via rules; the only real way to accomplish that is by burning an output and a zone - hooking up an output to a zone to trip it based on rules.. You can actually use the remote zone input and local output at the keypad itself to accomplish this so you're not burning zones on the main panel.
I am not 100% this will work. But you can use rules to bypass/unbypass a zone. Try programming an unused zone as a freeze alarm. Then bypass it. Set a rule to unbypass the zone in the event that the temp drops below some setting.
Unfortunately, Elk doesn’t make it easy to create this type of rule as there’s no such thing a virtual input zones. I had a need for same type of rule, so I tried to create one tonight. I couldn’t get my favorite alarm company to send me the text message, so I might have some more work ahead of me. The only other alternative is to use the "Dial Telephone Number" or "Email" responses.

First, you will have to burn a real input zone number. If you have a M1RF2G, you may be able to use one of these zones instead (I didn't try yet).

Second, you define the Zone as Normally Open with type of Aux1 or Aux2, and bypassable.

Third, you will have to change the communicator settings and check the “bypass pulse” setting. This should cause the dialer to report a zone bypass notification.

Fourth, you will have to create a rule like one below.

  THEN TURN V_HighTemp (Out 33) ON FOR 1 HR
  THEN BYPASS High Temperature (Zn 13)

  THEN UNBYPASS High Temperature (Zn 13)

Lastly, VERY important, because Aux1 zone type is used and “silent alarm” is triggered the communicator should dial your favorite alarm company. You must configure the high temperature zone in favorite alarm company’s web site as “Log Only.”
The communicator doesn’t seem to be initiating an outbound call. I am going to have check with Elk to see if ElkRP bypass rule avoids triggering/linking to communicator work-flow as opposed to keypad initiated bypass.

Also, there seems to be a negative side affect of using Normally Open zone type. The log is filling up with “Restore” messages.

Back to drawing board...
I am not 100% this will work. But you can use rules to bypass/unbypass a zone. Try programming an unused zone as a freeze alarm. Then bypass it. Set a rule to unbypass the zone in the event that the temp drops below some setting.
A few years ago, I did some testing to confirm this, and it does work - at least for burglar type zones. You have to use rules to re-bypass them when disarming the alarm; then when the system is armed, if it's un-bypassed by a rule or function, it will instantly trigger the alarm. I'm sure there are some minor differences with 24-hour supervised zones but it should be pretty close.

With all the testing though, I found the cleanest method being to just burn an input and output tied together; Most people aren't using the input or output that's at the keypad so tying those together keeps you from wasting anything at the panel.
I was hoping to avoid using a hard zone, but it looks like I'll have to. I'll just use a keypad output & input to handle this. I'm assuming I'll have to do the same thing for the keypad F1 panic alarm as well.

Thanks for all of the comments...keep them coming. I would sure like to do it with rules if possible
A few years ago, I did some testing to confirm this, and it does work - at least for burglar type zones. You have to use rules to re-bypass them when disarming the alarm; then when the system is armed, if it's un-bypassed by a rule or function, it will instantly trigger the alarm. I'm sure there are some minor differences with 24-hour supervised zones but it should be pretty close.

With all the testing though, I found the cleanest method being to just burn an input and output tied together; Most people aren't using the input or output that's at the keypad so tying those together keeps you from wasting anything at the panel.

I also ran a test last night and found it to work. I set an unused keypad zone as an entry zone, set a rule to unbypass it 2 minutes in the future, bypassed the zone, armed the system, and two minutes later when Elk unbypassed the zone, the entry delay alarm went off.

I didn't try setting it as a freeze alarm since I assume it would have called central station immediately and really didn't want to deal with that.

Question, what are you gaining by tying an output into this as well?
I was hoping to avoid using a hard zone, but it looks like I'll have to. I'll just use a keypad output & input to handle this. I'm assuming I'll have to do the same thing for the keypad F1 panic alarm as well.

Thanks for all of the comments...keep them coming. I would sure like to do it with rules if possible

F-keys that are set as fire/police/medical don't require any rules, pressing them triggers the alarm all on its own.

I was going to say that you could set an f-key as a freeze alarm and program the temp to "push" the button, however, it would appear that Elk has no command for that. You can do that if you have an ISY with the Elk module.

ISY program:

Elk Keypad 'Back Door' 'Temperature' < 40&deg;

Set Elk Keypad 'Back Door' Press F6

- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')