LiteJet questions


Up to now I've been planning to go exclusively with UPB for lighting control in our new house. (Just beginning rough-in at the moment) However, I've seen enough positive comments about Centralite's LiteJet system that I'm now giving it some last-minute consideration.

I would plan to use the LiteJet for the first floor of the house where scene control is most needed and the floorplan is wide-open. (And where I'll also have several dimming fluorescent fixtures that might cause problems for UPB.) I figure I'd use UPB for the basement and second floor (each floor has about 24 loads), but I have some questions on how this would work. For reference, I'm planning on using the Elk M1G as well.

A) Would I be able to have a UPB switch manipulate some of the loads that are controlled by the LiteJet system?

B) Conversely, would I be able to set up a button on a LiteJet keypad that also controlled some loads on my two "UPB floors"?

Also, would it make any sense to have the electrician run the load wiring past the boxes where the LiteJet keypads would be, leaving an extra loop of wire before running off to where the LiteJet panel is located? That way, if I ever wanted to ditch the LiteJet I could always cut the load wire and insert a conventional switch.


You should be able to write some Rules in the M1 so that if a switch on either system turns on or off, then you can control other lights on a different system.

There are two types of hardwired systems:

1. Centralite, Vantage ... in which a central controller turns on and off or dims the lights.

2. OnQ, EDT ... which uses a modified light switch and low voltage wiring to each switch from a controller using a data bus.

Most of the hardwired systems need to be installed in new construction in the stud stage with the exception of the low voltage wiring which MAY be fished to some switchs.

The M1 is compatible with many of the lighting systems.