I am running MAMEmce on this machine, Windows XP Pro. It works great! It does not in any way need MCE for it to work. It is just a standard program, like any other, that mimics the look and controld of MCE.

NOW the GOOD part! I was doing some googleing and found some information about MAME. I just grabbed an old USB gamepad from the garage I havent used in a long time. When you are in a MAME game, and hit the TAB key, it brings up a screen to select your input controls!. You can select either the controls for JUST that game, or for all the games. Just select the button that you want to change, and then press that button on the controller to lock it in. You can also do this for the mouse as well. They recommend when are setting up a mouse to control sa movement, that you select the dirrection in the menu, and then move the mouse in a slow steady single dirrection to program it. Within a couple minutes I had it set up so I could press buttons on the controller to "insert Coins" and all of the game functions to whatever buttons you want to use! Way Kewl! And it gets better from there ;) The MAMEmce is set up to accept commands from the game controller. With that, you are able to navigate all the MAME menu's, select games and launch them, all with out the use of a keyboard or MCE remote control.

So, for all those non-MCE owners, you can still load up MAMEmce and use your controller to control the menus and play games on your TV with a standard video output. I wish I would have known this a long time ago!

On another note, Tom Caldwell wrote an .asp MAME interface to work with HS. I have not used it, but it seems like it will do just about the same thing as MAMEmce does. You can check it out on the HS msg board HERE.
I haven't tried it, but I assumed that Tom's Homeseer Mame system required Mame to be running on the HS PC? I built an Arcade cabinet for my pool table room that runs MAME, MainLobby, TV, MP3 player. It doesn't have Homeseer also running on it.
You are probably right. It is an asp page though, so is viewable from any macnine on the network. With either the message server plugin, or a program to execute a command on a remote machine, this could be overcome. A couple lines of code added to Tom's script, to change the local launch to launch it on another machine shouldnt be too hard.

If you wanted to step it up another notch, you could have the HS machine transfer the game rom asked for to the client computer so you would only need the roms on a single machine, and play the games on any machine in the house.

I currently have a small script that works with the message server plugin. When someone calls, the caller ID and a small photo of the caller pops up on all the machine on the network. I posted that script in the HS script library to check out for an example.