OK, got a dedicated 20A circuit running to the wall... It terminates at the 4-plug outlet you see there... (I have not installed the cover plate yet):
I've got the tripplite rackmounted surge strip plugged into the outlet, and then FIOS and the Netgear switch plugged into the Tripplite.
Now that you can see things as they are in actuality, what do you think the best approach is?
1) Run the wires BEHIND the plywood - I like this idea, but as stated, there is a risk of drilling into them in the future.
2) Staple them to the plywood - This could look nice and neat, just need to think of the best way to run the wires on the board.
Finally, what do you guys do with all the extra power slack? The tripplite alone has like 14 feet of slack... The FIOS has a ton as well...