National Alarm Monitoring Companies for DIYers

I've been using Alarm Relay for a couple of years, having switched from Next Alarm.
I am happy.  They do have a web page, but you have to pay extra for it (not much, I forget exactly, but ask; I think it may even just be a one time fee, or maybe once a year). 
When I've had issues (alarms, trouble, etc.) they call very quickly, and seem knowledgeable.  The couple times I had to set something up (e.g. just upgraded from an Uplink 2500 to 4500EZ) the techs were ready and knowledgeable. 
The sales folks are another matter, they seem fairly clueless and confused, so there is a bit of a hurdle to get in the first time.  Once there, though, I have had no issues and am quite happy.
Linwood said:
They do have a web page, but you have to pay extra for it (not much, I forget exactly, but ask; I think it may even just be a one time fee, or maybe once a year). 
Are you sure its an Alarm Relay account page?  I've seen a login by some of the end-device makers, like Telguard so you can check your device status.
ano said:
Are you sure its an Alarm Relay account page?  I've seen a login by some of the end-device makers, like Telguard so you can check your device status.
Well... yes.    I haven't been on it in a year or so, but just looked, and it's still there, looks like a newer and better version (the old one was silverlight based).  It's really quite detailed in terms of information content, including (for example) a clear distinction between my IP and Cellular reports.
They also used to call every time my internet was down, I asked them to please just log them only; they do that nicely, I get an email from it but no (wakeup) phone calls, which is what I wanted.
My use is relatively straightforward, I do not do a lot of changes, I have had few equipment troubles, and no false alarms, but in every case I can recall they called immediately, were accurate, and helpful.  I've never been unable to reach them by phone.
As mentioned, sales is pretty clueless, but the operations folks have been very good.
I'll have to call them and ask.  They said they would send me proof of monitoring after everything was activated but I've never received anything. I haven't heard a peep from them in two months, but haven't had any problems.  They did promise me if a trouble signal goes off in the middle of the night, they won't call me to the next day. (I'm not sure why they call at all, because I see it on the console, but I guess they do.)
Ask about "Boldnet" which I think is their name for the online service.  I can't recall whether it was them or the prior company, but one of them had the proof of monitoring online you could just print it out yourself.
Boldnet is the web interface to their automation software......Bold technologies/Manitou head end (sums the information from the CS receiver groups to the monitoring PC's).
So after reviewing this thread, the only safe option is Alarm Relay? They quoted me $14 a month for M1XEP and $17 a month for Cellular. $24 a month if I wanted C1M1. While not terrible its a bit higher than I expected for DIY. My last company charged me $12 a month for cellular through criticom
I've had Alarm Relay for 6 months, but don't have great warm-and-fuzzies with them.  A few things took a few calls to fix. And I have yet to find any simple web page where I can find out even my account information, or to put the system in test or print a monitoring certificate.
When I initially set up my system with them, cellular only, they told me to turn on the weekly tests, AND turn on OPEN/CLOSE reporting, so the system logs with them when the alarm is turned on and off.
Last week I got a call from them (after 6 months) telling me that the OPEN/CLOSE reporting is an "added option" that "costs additional" and I needed to shut it off. 
I would switch in a heartbeat to another company, but choices are very limited.
My experiences, as mentioned above, have been OK with Alarm Relay.  I switched out my old analog cellular for another and while their sales office was pretty clueless, they set me up with a tech on request and the process was painless.
I do not use anything fancy, I do not open and close.  I do internet + cellular monitoring.  Took I think one call to get them to change internet heartbeat monitoring from "call you to tell you" to just sending an email, as it takes a pretty brief outage for them to notice internet is down (I guess a good thing, but not good at 2am with a phone call).   When I've called for testing I have gotten someone on first call, no wait, every time (but I test pretty rarely). And I probably log into their web interface once a year max, but it works when I do (though it did take a phone call when I stopped using Silverlight as their default required it, but they have a non-silverlight version also).
Please update if you try others, want to keep up with it.
I pay $275.40 per year for cellular + internet monitoring, paid annually.  No billing issues.
Curious if anyone has any updated info or not in regard to CS monitoring companies, issues etc since last post a year ago.  I am in the process of finishing up my M1 panel and transitioning from a Napco panel.  Have Verizon ISP and will all be IP communication via the XEP.     I will want voice call for alarm verification also, dispatch police for alarm and fire. vs. just standalone emails or texts to just me. 
My Napco panel is currently with Protection1, after being sold off over the years through numerous people. Very expensive but no issues compared to what I see it costs with some of these other services. I was going to stick with them but when I called to get info for IP, I was told they can't give me that and its proprietary. Such BS. Of course I said if they sent a tech out anyway I have the software and will have access to this info anyway.
picking up this old thread from October, as I'm about to sign up for monitoring for my M1 Gold.
I have similar comments to "Ano" above... have explored AlarmRelay, but don't get the warm and fuzzies.
Any other options out there for DIYers on Elk ?
It's a repeat of what I said above but 18 months later - I continue to have no issues with Alarm Relay.  Their "Boldnet" page is available on the web, it shows all the info on the system so I can confirm it is right (zones, contact list and what's allowed for each,   I needed to change some zones recently, cannot do that from the web but they took care of it easily with two emails (one "how do I" and one response).  They call very quickly if there's an alert, like under a minute, and always seemed very professional and helpful and not rushed. 
I do not have a lot to compare to, so maybe they are flawed in some ways, but generally speaking as a service provider I have no issues.
Now I do recall they were completely confused when my old analog cell device was expiring, and tried to sell me a replacement; their sales group seemed clueless.  But once I bought the right thing (advice from here) their technical staff set it up very quickly and correctly.
I'm moving soon and will need a new setup eventually at the new house, so am also interested in what alternatives exist, but my default will be to go back to Alarm Relay.