Nowplaying 2005

I'm using the same audio card - and it's fantastic. However (warning) - it gave me fits because it was sharing an IRQ with a couple other devices and it hates that. I ended up having to reinstall Win2k to remove MS's Hardware management system. Now that it's working - it's great, but I spent a weekend working on it... jwilson is using XP and said he didn't have any issues.
Netremote Pro 1.1.0 is out now and contains the new MediaBridge also. I have been running it for a few days now and it seems very stable. MediaBridge does support other players besides J River Media Center (for those that have not figured out how great a player that is). Check it out.

Here is a new light control panel example.

Edit the nrlights.txt script

location(1) = "Living Room Table Lamp" to match the "Location Name" of your devices.

label(1) = "Table Lamp" to reflect what you want the labels to be on the NR screen.

To use the subscription services built into hsGirder now you must edit the hsGirder_startup.txt also. Same as the nrlights.txt file for location and device names as well as the entried for the device ID's.

hsg.NetRemote_Subscribe "Status","A1","LightPlate11","2/1,3/0"

The LightPlate numers are the switches named on the NR CFF as the correspond to the device ID's.

This will allow HS to send the image updates for the light switched automatically.

This an updated version that is based off my Now Playing 800X600 screen as well as being on a popup hidden frame.

Hey I am woking with Girder4 to see if I can get Now Playing to work without Homeseer.... any Girder4 users out there that might want to give me some help. So far I can't seem to make heads or tails of of the interface... waiting for the light bulb to click on...

Right now I am playing with Girder 4 Beta 7-2 with a Whole Home Pro license. I am taking baby steps right now....

Just in case some of you would like to know, this is from Ben:

Hello everyone -

Although we still have some work on the 1.0 release of the NetRemote Designer, we've decided to continue the trend that worked well for Girder 4 and allow people to purchase licenses during the beta period at a 20% discount.

The release date of the final version is sometime in the near future (30 days or so). We've decided on final pricing of the designer to be 24.99. This will include all updates, fixes, and enhancements made available to the 1.x releases. As you old time NetRemote users know, 1.x releases include large enhancements (MediaBridge 1 and MediaBridge 2 were both major enhancements, and included with 1.x releases without an upgrade cost).

Obviously we intend to offer this product bundled with both versions of NetRemote Pro once it is complete, but do not have details regarding pricing at this time.

You can purchase a license for the designer for $19.99 (20% discount) while the beta period is still ongoing.

Thanks for your support!
jwilson56 said:
Just in case some of you would like to know, this is from Ben:

Hello everyone -

Although we still have some work on the 1.0 release of the NetRemote Designer, we've decided to continue the trend that worked well for Girder 4 and allow people to purchase licenses during the beta period at a 20% discount.

The release date of the final version is sometime in the near future (30 days or so). We've decided on final pricing of the designer to be 24.99. This will include all updates, fixes, and enhancements made available to the 1.x releases. As you old time NetRemote users know, 1.x releases include large enhancements (MediaBridge 1 and MediaBridge 2 were both major enhancements, and included with 1.x releases without an upgrade cost).

Obviously we intend to offer this product bundled with both versions of NetRemote Pro once it is complete, but do not have details regarding pricing at this time.

You can purchase a license for the designer for $19.99 (20% discount) while the beta period is still ongoing.

Thanks for your support!
Hmmm, just wondering if flamming posts will now occur of THIS product offering an upgrade during a "beta phase" with the same zest and attack of another recent software package's upgrade.... hmmmmm.... :p
I don't think flaming post will start because it seems they are offering a discounted price on their product ahead of time with a clear understanding that its currently in beta. They are using different wording than HS used which makes it sound more like you have a choice and are not being forced. HS didnt offer a discounted price during beta, they offered a discounted price on a released product that was released too early. Two different situation here. Now if they said something like "As soon as the released version comes out you will have 30 days to upgrade or it will be twice the price" and then they released it while it was still not stable you would see the flames.

Sorry for the thread hijack.
The Designer also looks like a new product or add-on, rather than an upgrade of anything. So again it is a different situation with different wording.
Yes it is an add-on package that has been offered not as an upgrade at all but at an introductory price while its in beta testing. So its a much different situation than HS2.0 was. I can't remember any software 'upgrade' offering that had a 1 month deadline for a totally non-finished product. Most companies usually support their long standing customers with a long period at a certain upgrade cost. Heck even my $2K Labview license can be upgraded to a newer version at anytime for the fixed price. This 1 month period felt like having a gun pointed at your head to force people to jump on the wagon within a short period of time. And all that for obvious alpha level code.

But heck... HST can do anything they darn well want to do.... and we customers can do what we want... its all about freedom of choice.... you don't have to like it but for me HST lost a great deal of respect treating us long time active customers (who have done more to make HS what it is today through the forum participation) with their recent attitudes.

Well now that my thread has been totally polluted... I will keep quiet...
