Ocelot, IR & Homeseer


Staff member
So I finally got my IR blaster working, and all setup. I learned all my remotes, and am ready to start using this. How can I tell HS to send IR codes using the Ocelot and the ADIocelot plugin, or is this not an option?
E, can't you just create an IR device and map it to the IR command that you want to trigger via the plugin?

This device should then show up in Homeseer (as a device with a house and unit code).

See the menu below, its the "Infra Red Remap" tab.

I haven't tried this myself, but can if you need help getting this going.


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well it looks like I have to select the plugin as the interface, I didn't think I could do this as you also have to specify the com port, and I was under the impression it was in use already. It now created the device list, so I will have to do some thinkering.
BSR & E,

I posted this a while back in the HS forum - I think it's still good:

I thought I would do a very basic "How to get started with I/R, HS, and Ocelot" while I still remember:

All you REALLY need to do to use I/R with HS and the Ocelot is:

1. Get the ADIOcelot plugin from the HS updater.

2. Install the ADIOcelot plugin. From HS: View/Options/Interfaces/Infrared Interface then select ADIOcelot.

3. From the same screen go down to "RF, I/O, Security, Custom Interface" and "Select device to add" then select ADIOcelot.

4. Restart HS.

5. From HS, go to View/Ir Config. Type in a device name in "1" - say "TV".

6. From "Labels" on the same screen, now select "TV". A new screen will open.

7. In the first box type something, say "Channel_up".

8. Click the "L" next to Channel_up - an info box will pop up. (It may "hide" in the windows task bar.)

9. After clicking OK on the info box point your remote at the Ocelot I/R in port and press the Channel_up button on your remote.

10. Press the "T" button next to the "L" button. Your device should now respond. Press OK.

11. Now that I/R command will be available to use with normal HS events and can also be used with a Voice Command.

The above is supposed to be VERY simple and does not deal with saving lir files, reserving intial spaces for I/R receive commands, discrete commands or much of anything else. It assumes that the Ocelot is already sucessfully connected to the computer with the serial cable, and that an I/R emitter is attached to the Ocelot that can be seen by the controlled equipment.

Please note I am still very new to this and would appreciate any corrections / improvements. Hopefully they would make this even shorter.

The intent here is to have HS send IR commands within 15 minutes after connecting the ocelot to the computer.

I didn't think of that, great tip! I actually learnt the codes with the Ocelot and Cmax so I can use cmax code to play IR codes, but your method is less painful for sure.