BSR & E,
I posted this a while back in the HS forum - I think it's still good:
I thought I would do a very basic "How to get started with I/R, HS, and Ocelot" while I still remember:
All you REALLY need to do to use I/R with HS and the Ocelot is:
1. Get the ADIOcelot plugin from the HS updater.
2. Install the ADIOcelot plugin. From HS: View/Options/Interfaces/Infrared Interface then select ADIOcelot.
3. From the same screen go down to "RF, I/O, Security, Custom Interface" and "Select device to add" then select ADIOcelot.
4. Restart HS.
5. From HS, go to View/Ir Config. Type in a device name in "1" - say "TV".
6. From "Labels" on the same screen, now select "TV". A new screen will open.
7. In the first box type something, say "Channel_up".
8. Click the "L" next to Channel_up - an info box will pop up. (It may "hide" in the windows task bar.)
9. After clicking OK on the info box point your remote at the Ocelot I/R in port and press the Channel_up button on your remote.
10. Press the "T" button next to the "L" button. Your device should now respond. Press OK.
11. Now that I/R command will be available to use with normal HS events and can also be used with a Voice Command.
The above is supposed to be VERY simple and does not deal with saving lir files, reserving intial spaces for I/R receive commands, discrete commands or much of anything else. It assumes that the Ocelot is already sucessfully connected to the computer with the serial cable, and that an I/R emitter is attached to the Ocelot that can be seen by the controlled equipment.
Please note I am still very new to this and would appreciate any corrections / improvements. Hopefully they would make this even shorter.
The intent here is to have HS send IR commands within 15 minutes after connecting the ocelot to the computer.