Haiku Please help with port forwarding

I am using Haiku on an iPhone 4 and a Belkin router (F7D4302v1). I use an OmniPro II controller and I have good success with connecting wireless in the home. I cannot seem to connect via 3G or while away from home however. I read the other thread regarding connectivity but even that is above my lame head.

I set up a dynamic DNS with dyndns.org and that isn't the issue I don't believe. When I go to virtual servers on my router screen, and follow the directions from portforwarding.com, I get a message that the ip address is wrong. What do I put in for the "private ip address" screen? Portforwarding leaves it blank on their screen shot and I'm also confused as to whether I have to enter two lines as they do on their website (sorry the admin won't let me post a link yet.)

Finally (I think!) in my Haiku settings screen for the ip address of controller, do I physically type in the letters for my xxxxdyndns-at-home.com or put some new ip address in there? If so, what ip address??

I'm sorry for the stupidity, but I would love to get this ironed out so I can log in while travelling and check on the home and family and kids. Happy holidays
First, do realize anytime you open ports on your router you invite attacks. I've never even seen Haiku so I can't comment on it's security one bit.

You need to know the IP address of the node running the program - set it to a static IP or make it reserved in DHCP. In the router set the port(s) Haiku uses to pass through to the IP of the node running Haiku. Your phone uses the dynamic DNS address to be able to connect to the IP address of your home connection.
the Virtual Server IP address is that of your OPII. In Haiku, the IP address will be the weird dynamic DNS hostname (xxxxdyndns-at-home.com).
the Virtual Server IP address is that of your OPII. In Haiku, the IP address will be the weird dynamic DNS hostname (xxxxdyndns-at-home.com).

Thanks Work, but the line in my virtual server page says 192.168.2 [blank] whereas my OP II ip address is How do I enter that if I can't get rid of the 2 at the end of the pre-entered ip on the virtual servers page?

You answered part of the question about the web address but I'm still confused. We have NOBODY around my parts who programs these OP II and when I built the house new 6 years ago I did it all myself. Been seamless so far except this Haiku thing has be frustrated. I travel a lot lately and need to be able to access either from my phone, an iPad or worse case scenario a laptop or computer. Thanks so much.
If there is a 2 instead of a 0 in the address on the router either you have more than one network (and maybe more than one router?) or your OmniPro's IP may be incorrectly assigned. Some screenshots of your router config and an explanation of how your network is wired would help.
If there is a 2 instead of a 0 in the address on the router either you have more than one network (and maybe more than one router?) or your OmniPro's IP may be incorrectly assigned. Some screenshots of your router config and an explanation of how your network is wired would help.

I can do that, what screen shots would help the most? I use one router, the Belkin. I was under the assumption the OmniPro came with an IP address by default and it couldn't be changed. Shows how little I know. Guide me to the screen shots needed and I'll get those. Thank you.
I can do that, what screen shots would help the most? I use one router, the Belkin. I was under the assumption the OmniPro came with an IP address by default and it couldn't be changed. Shows how little I know. Guide me to the screen shots needed and I'll get those. Thank you.
Nothing will ever come with an IP address hard coded, only the MAC address.
Give us screen shots of the router's DHCP and Port Forwarding pages and we can fill in the blanks.

...so Haiku is an ios app?
Making this harder than it needs to be...

Just go to any pc, open a command prompt, type: ipconfig /all then hit enter.
This will give you all the ip address info you need for your lan.
The OPII does indeed come with the ip address you specified above. change it to an address on your lan (determined from ipconfig), that is not in the dhcp range (found in your router.
then you use the ip you gave to the OPII as the address to forward to.
So if your subnet is (it is) with a dhcp range of .100 -.200 (I dont know this, just an example) you can use any address outside of this range. A good rule of thumb I use is to start at the last address and work down for statics, and I also change the dhcp range to .2 - .10 or so, depending on how many you actually need. So I would use for the OPII, depending on what your gateway is. Some of the new routers use this as the gateway instead of .1.
Yes, as Frunple stated, likely you need to change your OmniPro's IP to be an IP on your subnet (so that the first 3 parts of the IP address match the first 3 parts assigned to all other devices on your LAN, ie. 192.168.2.x). The last part can be any IP that your router does not auto assign, so again as Frunple suggested, you can try an IP from the end of the range such as Next, go into your router config and for the virtual server section and add an entry with the same IP (, ports 4369 -> 4369) and everything should then work.

(I re-worded it a little just to be clear).