Programatically call Police or Fire on Omni Pro II?


Senior Member
Is there any way to programatically activate the Police, Fire, EMS calls on the Omni Pro II?
Trying to do it through a Button.

Theses are the actions when pressing the, 1 and 3, 4 and 6, or 7 and 9 keys simultaneously on the LCD panel.
They are also available in the Security panel on a 5.7e and inside Automation Studio, so there has to be a LAN/http command being sent to the controller over the network.

I don't see these actions as an option in the Security area of PCAccess, and I don't see them as options in the response options to buttons in Automation Studio.

Dods anyone know if there isxa way to activate these commands via programming?
It's kludgy but you could use an output to then trip an input that's set as a panic zone, fire zone, etc.
However, the HAI API Documentation for OmniLink does have the ability to trip the panic zones, so it is possible from external devices.
It's message type 0x2C, with Data 1 being the area being tripped (1-8), and Data 2 being the emergency type (1=burglary, 2=fire, 3=aux).
You could figure out the exact byte sequence with the start, length, and CRC values and feed it in to the panel via a serial port configured for Omni-Link.
Desert_AIP said:
Since the 5.7e communicates over the LAN, there HAS to be a network equivalent to that serial command.
Yes there is a network equivalent to the serial command...

This message is used to activate a burglary, fire, or auxiliary keypad emergency alarm in an area on an Omni IIe or OmniPro II system
     Start character 0x21
     Message length 0x03
     Message type 0x2C
     Data 1 area (1-8)
     Data 2 emergency type (1=burglary, 2=fire, 3=auxiliary)
     CRC 1 varies
     CRC 2 varies

Expected reply ACKNOWLEDGE
AFAIK, there isn't any way to send this command from the 5.7e since the display would have to be programmed to send the command and I'm not aware of any 5.7e programming capabilities to accomplish this.
The above command was taken from the OmniLink II (network) protocol description.
It's built in to the security keypad object in AS.

This is starting to sound like a dead end aside from your hardware suggestion.