Reporting Violated Zone on Alarm


Hi All

Just trying to work out the best possible way to identify remotely, which zone triggered an alarm on my M1 Gold

I'm currently running Ek Alarm to access remotely but that will not show which zone triggered the alarm if the zone becomes sealed again during alarm.

I also have the system ring my mobile but as we all know it cannot speak the exact zone that was violated. This seems strange as the keypad will speak the zone violated once you have entered your pin to acknowledge the alarm.

I have contacted Jason @ EK previoulsy about this issue and he was trying to work out if possible how to get the app to read the second line on the keypad display or alternativly read from the log.

This seems to be the only let down on the system

A 3rd party app would be your best bet, but you can have the panel give you more information during an alarm. I have mine setup to use rules whenever an alarm is tripped to tell me which zone or area is tripped. For example, I have specific messages for each exterior door and a single message which covers all glass breaks and secondary interior sensors. A message for a glassbreak by itself, say during a really bad storm, without any interior sensors tripped may not be a true alarm. However, a message stating the front door would get peak attention!