SwitchLinc V2 Dimmer


I just purchased seven 600W SwitchLinc V2 Dimmers (Rev No. 2.5) and they all buzz . None of my older switches buzz or flicker.
I think others have also said this about the new ones. In the Smarthome support forums. They indicated the inductive choke used in the circuit maybe not wound ral tight or not potted to stop the buzz.
Mostly a anoyance problem over a safety one.
If you want to search their site:
Hmm, I had one of these in the beginning and I RMA'd it. None of the others did this.

I hadn't heard that the newer ones would do this as well.
I replaced several 1000w Switchlincs that had "flicker" issues. None of the new replacements flicker, but they all buzz unlike the originals.

The only one that's really annoying is located in a bath... because of the small room, reflective surfaces, and the fact you're usually within a few feet of the switch it's very noticible!
Another thing I noticed besides the buzz with my new Switchlinc V2's is that the paddles are very loose and one would even stick on or off. I replaced several of the new paddles with the paddles from my old switches, which seemed to work.
If the old paddles work and the new ones dont it sounds like the mold is worn or was replaced. It happens but should be caught by QC.
The LEDs in the new Rev 2.5 switches are also significantly brighter than earlier versions. Unfortunately this is very noticeable, as I installed a 2.5 and 2.2 in the same box.

I called SmartHome on the buzzing each and failed to mention the problem with the LEDs. With regards to the buzzing, they said that they have been hearing some "rumblings" on this issue and are looking into it. They promised to get back with me once it’s resolved.
I also noticed that. The LEDs are now so bright that in the dark you can see through the paddle. Makes a great nighlight, though :lol:
jeffx said:
I also noticed that. The LEDs are now so bright that in the dark you can see through the paddle. Makes a great nighlight, though :P
I've noticed that, too.

I figured I'd need to see if I can get my old paddle back. It looks cheap. :(

Just to let you know, I have had 6 of the switchlinc switches fail. I am not impressed with them at all!

I am removing all of my switchlinc switches.

PS I used both the 600watt and the 1000 watt switches.
