The End is Near for HomeSeer 1.7x

How is the package installed if you cannot download it, but you already have it on your hard disk? I don't see an executable, like setup.exe, in the package.
Yes, there is a way to install with the files already downloaded on your hard drive. It's been a long time since I used that method. It was when I was testing the the install file for the stuff that I have in the updater. I'll see if I can find the instructions.

Has anybody determined where the updates come from? I assume they are coming via FTP, so we should be able to find the server. Then we could download all the plugins & scripts without installing them, to give us options in the future.

Sure, it is coming from and then add the name of the zip file which you can get from your upgrades directory.

Also in the HS 1.x updater there is a script called Updater Web Page. This installs a set of webpages that will display the updater info in the web pages. The page for uninstalled has a link you can click to download the zip file. The page that shows the installed plugins displays the zip file name which you can use to download that file. It wouldn't take much to modify that page to have a link as well.
This was from the HS 1.6 developers info:
To run a test, first make sure HomeSeer is running. Bring up a command window and
change directory to your HomeSeer folder. Now enter the command:
updater /t1 /t2
This starts the updater in test mode. It will read the local updates.txt file, and display the
available packages. Our package will be the last one in the list. Select this package and
click the "Install Now" button. The updater will read the local zip file (rather than
downloading the file) and perform the install. Watch for any errors. When complete, test
the install and make sure it installed all the files properly.
WayneW said:
Rich, if you want to see if people will move to HS2, how about bringing back the $39 upgrade, now that the product appears stable?
The products been stable for a long time for many of us. The way I see it is they gave users a discount on the software if they helped troubleshoot it. You could also say they gave loyal users a discount for helping out.
Rupp said:
WayneW said:
Rich, if you want to see if people will move to HS2, how about bringing back the $39 upgrade, now that the product appears stable?
The products been stable for a long time for many of us. The way I see it is they gave users a discount on the software if they helped troubleshoot it. You could also say they gave loyal users a discount for helping out.
Thats does make sense, but I guess they should have advertised it that way to make it clear. Call it an early adopter discount or something instead of upgrade now or else. Frankly, thats where I think most of the HS issues are, in the policies and communications, not necessarily the product. Hopefully those things will get better in time.
I guess us old timers knew what to expect. HomeSeer has worked this way since it's inception. Most of us were used to downloading new versions month after month as the product added new features. I believe a lot of users "hear" that HomeSeer is unstable without trying it and simply reiterate what they hear. I use very few 3rd party plugins so my HS 2.x install has been solid since it's initial release. The truth is there is no way HomeSeer could test the software without the users help because with over 200 plugins there is simply no way to test all combinations. I would dare say that no 2 HS users have the same setup. This is actually what I like about the product. The developers are actively involved with it users and open to new ideas. I like this approach better than having to wait months for a new version only to find it doesn't include what I wanted.
For me HS 2 was far far from stable when released. I know for a fact that all of my issues were defects in the program, and not problems specific to my installation. How am I sure?? I've made no changes to my setup since the release when the program would crash regularly.

That said, it is fairly reliable at this time for me. Reliable enough for me to use without worrying daily if the machine had crashed.

aaaahhhh the good old days, when I didn't have kids that required all my attention and a house that seems intent on spending every dime I make.

In my situation HS 2.1 could possibly be rock solid, I use very few plugins. I have an extremely powerfull box running HS. It all comes down to time to do the upgrade, HS 2x is not like the simple upgrades we had in the past.

I still have been debating about doing a completly clean install and entering all my devices and events from scratch. ( That would be a nightmare for me ).

Or doing an upgrade by importing my old config, I would also have to import some other plugins configurations also.

I do have HS 2.1 running as a test, I only use 3 scripts total and none of the 3 work on 2.1. I have not spent the time yet to figure out why and its really hard to test without the hardware connected. ;)

And of course if I upgraded I would be stuck using the web page to configure HS, something I still have not become accustomed too even though I keep trying.

Right now my biggest barrier to upgrading is the plug-in issues I read about on the Homeseer message board. The Stargate Plug-in still has problems with relay expanders, security zones and HVAC status. The MainLobby Plugin has some issue with certain house codes, and the polling that has to be used for the HAI plug-in seems to be a concern as well.

I might make the move next time it goes on sale but I am skittish enough about what I am reading that I can wait till then.
My, my, my how my thread has taken off! ;)

Here is something interesting to note on how popular CocoonTech has become and just how important this issue is to us HA types.

This thread (at the time of this posting) has had 2789 views in 15 days. To get some relavance on how many this is go to the Home Automation forum, then scroll to the bottom and sort the topics by the "number of views" in descending order.

You will see that this thread is the ninth most viewed in that Home Automation forum (since the start of

Also, just to point out how HomeSeer users view CocoonTech's postings/opinions the eight, tenth, and thirteenth all time views were about HomeSeer's new version. ;)
Mike, MainLobby has no problem with house codes anymore. There was an update added to MainLobby 3 that took care of it. There was always a workaround before that worked just fine for the hundreds of users that used it.
The Stargate plugin is being rewritten as we speak and RJ is looking for participation on this plugin. It may be a good time to get in so your opinions get heard. I think several of the users now have their systems back to pre 2.0 stability.
I am already watching the progress on the Stargate plug-in... that's how I know what the issues are. The folks there seem to have the testing under control so I am just observing for the moment.
BraveSirRobbin said:
My, my, my how my thread has taken off! ;)

Here is something interesting to note on how popular CocoonTech has become and just how important this issue is to us HA types.

This thread (at the time of this posting) has had 2789 views in 15 days. To get some relavance on how many this is go to the Home Automation forum, then scroll to the bottom and sort the topics by the "number of views" in descending order.

You will see that this thread is the ninth most viewed in that Home Automation forum (since the start of

Also, just to point out how HomeSeer users view CocoonTech's postings/opinions the eight, tenth, and thirteenth all time views were about HomeSeer's new version. ;)
The sad thing is that "even bad publicity is good publicity."
Most of us do not post how well our setup is running on a bulletin board. Nearly all post to a bulletin board with questions about problems or needing a solution to a project. Just to break this trend - "I sure do feel good today".