Who here is using the iAutomate RFID hardware?

pmonahan said:
mcascio said:

Any interest in adding support via plugin for MainLobby if we can provide you with our SDK? We could pull off some pretty cool looking user interfaces using the existing library and some new ones that I'd probably create designed specifically around this technology.

I am always open to discussion.

Do you still have my cell phone number ??

If not, call the toll free number; I am at x102


Left a voice mail with you. Tag - you're it. :lol:
Bump... Instead of a new topic...

Looks like iAutomate will have their generic/serial based RFID controller out shortly. This will allow CQC, HAL, ML, etc. to now use RFID.

Ok, who's writing the first driver!

Steve said:
Bump... Instead of a new topic...

Looks like iAutomate will have their generic/serial based RFID controller out shortly. This will allow CQC, HAL, ML, etc. to now use RFID.

Ok, who's writing the first driver!

Very cool. :) I'm excited about the prospects of an Elk RFID Interface!
Thanks for the reply Paul!

I was hoping to be able to use some type of RFID system in the new house in conjunction with the ELK or CQC.
I guess I have to keep wishing......
I have left iAutomate multiple voice mail messages and emails with no response. So, no MainLobby plugin for the device (which we have bought for testing :lol: )
I've read that other folks have issues getting a response from this company.
Although the product is interesting, the company sends out red warning flags all the time.
I'll avoid this one, and wait for the next. :lol:
I get the impression Peter is working 2 jobs where the technology is being marketed to large corporations with his main job and the smaller HA market "on the side". I think that is why there are big gaps where support and communication is lacking.
It is really a shame because I really like my system. I have 3 teenage daughters that have snuck out of the house at night. We live way out in the country so the only way to get any where is to take one of the cars. I have tags on most of my cars and events setup so if they leave after a certain time of night (my bedtime) then HS triggers big noisy alarms. No more late night excursions.
The only problem is I have a machine shop about 300 feet from my reader and when I park the truck out there the reader can't see it. So my events don't work. I was hoping I could put a remote generic reader out there, the current method requires I run a Cat5 from the house out there which is impractical.
So I hope whatever is distracting Peter gets resolved because the communication situation is killing his reputation.
Hello All,

Since the product is only supported on the HomeSeer platform at the current time, we address technical issues in the HomeSeer Message boards.


There you will also find easy ways to reach us via email for support. Regretfully I cannot review every internet forum.

There is also a message explaining my present involvement in a Correctional Facility Project. Yes, it keeps me out of the office; that is why email is currently preferred.

You will find that all email messages are replied to with 12 Hours, sometimes 12 minutes.

We don't provide telephone support for HA RFID products at the present time, AND because I am directly invloved in development, certain topics cannot be discussed due to NDA's anyway.

Thank you.


Can you answer the question of when the hardware controller for the RFID will be available. It's really a shame that the only software that supports the device is HomeSeer becuase there are so many (in my opinion better) options out there now that really could use your RFID product.

I am glad to hear you are keeping busy.

P.S. I own three readers and multiple cards and have not been able to use any of them for about a year now. I droped HS when 2.0 was released and have moved on to CQC. What is stoping other programmers such as Dean from writing their own software interface for the devices. They are RS485/RS232 correct? Could you not provide some documentation for them so that they could support your devices them selves?