So how does it work? With insteon, when a switch transmits a message, every switch within range retransmits the same message up to the repeat count (default is 3). Those switches, and the original retransmit the message on the next time slot(simplified explanation) so that they are all synchronized. This results in a stronger message that gets further on the next cycle allowing yet more insteon switches to recieve and repeat.
How does z-wave do it? Are they synchronized time slot repeaters in the way INSTEON does it over power line? Or is it single broadcast hoping. i.e. are there routing tables so that each z-wave devices knows that it's a repeater for other specific z-wave devices? And if it's that way, who sets up the routing tables?
How does z-wave do it? Are they synchronized time slot repeaters in the way INSTEON does it over power line? Or is it single broadcast hoping. i.e. are there routing tables so that each z-wave devices knows that it's a repeater for other specific z-wave devices? And if it's that way, who sets up the routing tables?