Haiku HAI and the iPAD

Make sure you have asked the controller to refresh the zones and get the names first. Do this:

function onRefreshConfig(forced) {

Otherwise HaikuHelper doesn't know the name of the zone, hence its unable to match and return it.
I guess that would make sense with me changing the names for testing but I wouldn't think it should be an issue for the original name that was there since installation. In any case, I have it all back as original and I added your code and it still does not work.

Here is the definition of the zone:


Here is the code in Haiku that does not work:

function onRefreshConfig(forced) {
function onZoneNotReady(zone) {
if(zone.name() == 'Office Motion') {
   helper.sendNotification(controller, zone.bestDescription() + ' not ready!');

Here is code that DOES work:

function onRefreshConfig(forced) {
function onZoneNotReady(zone) {
if(zone.number() == 10 ) {
   helper.sendNotification(controller, zone.bestDescription() + ' not ready!');

So the only difference is the by name does not work and nothing I do helps.

Did you try to set the PTZ mode to Panasonic for the camera? Haiku does support it.

Yes, I have the url, user and password entered and PTZ is set to Panasonic. When I view the camera it does say PTZ Panasonic in the list and it shows 8 presets at the bottom but neither the presets nor swiping on the image do anything. I triple checked that the user and password are correct (admin).

You have to hit Sync Now in HaikuHelper so that it loads the names in. And it does make sense, because HaikuHelper doesn't load the names for you, you have to tell it that you need them in your script -- HaikuHelper doesn't load things it doesn't use. By the way: "onRefreshConfig" gets called whenever HaikuHelper wants to refresh the controller's configuration, which is each night around 4 AM or whenever you hit Sync Now manually.

You can always do something like this:

var zones = controller.zones();
for(i in zones) {
helper.log(controller, 'zone ' + i + ' name = ' + zones[i].name());

This should log all the zone names to the HaikuHelper log.

Regarding the cameras, I'll have to check the models to see if they differ from the ones we support.
I know I did a Sync at some point but was changing names also. Anyway, after adding the refresh code AND doing the sync it works perfectly! Thanks!

The cams are BL-C10A and BL-C111A. They are older/not current models. Thanks - no rush - enjoy the holiday!
Now i see that PCAcces didn't pick up status of manually turned switches. So nothing wrong with HAIKU. And i can't find any modules in setup mode using PCAcces or HAI Console. How those dimmers works if i can't find them via PCAcces but still able to control them? This is odd...

Check that you didn't accidentally set up some units as UPB. They need to be HLC to enable status tracking.
You can control them via UPB, but the controller won't track them.
So I am wanting to move my Nuvo GC from my CQC server to the OPII so I can use Haiku to control it. The main obstacle to doing this is that I do alot of paging announcements via TTS in CQC. As I asked in this thread it would be great if HAI directly supported the paging command and Do Not Disturb (DND), While I can work around the paging by using the trigger, DND is critical to my setup.

So... I got to wondering - can these functions be added to the scripting in Haiku Helper, or does the functionality need to be in OmniLink already for Haiku to implement it? Not sure if the javascript engine can do 'passthrough' commands to the Nuvo or if it needs to work exclusively through OmniLink?
Steve, we do have an Essentia G for testing here, but I'm not sure what you are using the DND for? Doesn't the DND apply even when the paging trigger is used?

HaikuHelper can do TTS and trigger zones either via a paging trigger or even via programming (ie. turning on the zones needed and selecting the right source just in time and then setting them back). HaikuHelper has callbacks for when speech starts and when speech stops, so you can easily do any controlling within those callbacks.

Does the NuVo GC have an Ethernet port? Or do you have an MPS (media server) maybe? We could probably control it via TCP then, if we add a bit of code to the scripting bridge for sending messages to a TCP address/port.
I was really looking to see if Haiku could control the GC directly as a passthrough on the OPII. In other words, issue Nuvo (not necessarily HAI) commands from Haiku that passthrough HAI serial connection and are acted on by Nuvo. Does that make sense? DND is used especially for the paging trigger. It excludes those zones from paging even when paging trigger is used. The Grand Concerto han initiate paging either via a contact closure/voltage or via protocol commands via serial port. The DND commands are only via serial. I use DND to turn off certain zones at night - like kids rooms, so even though main areas still page, kids rooms won't. I also use it so that when I am on the phone (phone off hook) in the Office it turns on DND for that zone so I don't hear pages while on speakerphone. So, unless Omnilink had these commands built in, or Haiku can pass them on to Nuvo via serial connected to OPII then I cannot switch.

Of course another option I am investigating is some sort of serial switch where I can have Nuvo connected to both CQC and HAI but I'm not having luck there either.
No, i can't find any module in setup mode via pcaccess.

The room controller units can't be normal switches in HLC.
So Units 1,9,17, etc. can not be regular switches.

They DO however HAVE TO BE named. It is the "room" name for each bank of 8 units.
Even if there is no unit at that address, it has to have a name in PCAccess.
The room controller units can't be normal switches in HLC.
So Units 1,9,17, etc. can not be regular switches.

They DO however HAVE TO BE named. It is the "room" name for each bank of 8 units.
Even if there is no unit at that address, it has to have a name in PCAccess.
I don't use room controllers, but all my rooms are named. I can send you a files with my configuration from upstart and pcaccess to compare them. I am new wtih this, so i might have some mistakes.

Got your files.
This is probably your problem.

You don't have RM7, 8, 9, or 10, units 49, 57, 65 and 73 named in PCAccess.
Even though you only have one switch in those rooms, the rooms themselves still need to be named.
Otherwise the Omni doesn't think there are units there so won't look for any.

You can use the same names as the switches, or in order to keep track use the room name as something like "Boy's Bath" and the switch name "Boy's Bath Lights".

Hope that helps

Got your files.
This is probably your problem.

You don't have RM7, 8, 9, or 10, units 49, 57, 65 and 73 named in PC ACCess.
Even though you only have one switch in those rooms, the rooms themselves still need to be named.
Otherwise the Omni doesn;t think there are units there so won' look for any.

You can use the same names as the switches, or in order to keep track use the room name as something like "Boy's Bath" and the switch name "Boy's Bath Lights".

Hope that helps
Thank you, Jeff!
Hope that this was a problem.
Will post result later
As an enhancement would it be possible in the script engine to separate an iOS notification from a Growl notification? There are several notifications I would like to receive only on Growl when home at my pc but I do not want them going as push notifications to iOS devices.