Haiku HAI and the iPAD

How about this for 2:15pm and flag 'My Flag':

function onRefreshConfig(forced) {
function onSyncStart(forced) {
  var now = new Date();
  if(now.getHours() == 14 && now.getMinutes() == 15) {
	var msg =  'My flag status: ' + controller.unitWithName('My Flag').flagDescription;
	helper.mail(controller, '[email protected]', 'flag status update', msg);

Or you can use unitWithNumber()

I tried this with the proper settings and I get an email saying:

My flag status: undefined

I want the value not the Description so I think I Have the wrong parameter in the above example. Any ideas?


I tried this with the proper settings and I get an email saying:

My flag status: undefined

I want the value not the Description so I think I Have the wrong parameter in the above example. Any ideas?



Don't forget the double brackets after flagDescription, ie. flagDescription(). That will get you the value, or you can use state()
Ah sorry, yes, I will correct that. Please try to start a new topic for further questions, we want to stop adding to this thread ;-) Its huge!
The cams are BL-C10A and BL-C111A. They are older/not current models. Thanks - no rush - enjoy the holiday!

Steve, I've checked over the code and at the very least the BL-C10A should be supported, the other one should work as well though. Perhaps your user does not have high enough authorization to activate PTZ control?
Steve, I've checked over the code and at the very least the BL-C10A should be supported, the other one should work as well though. Perhaps your user does not have high enough authorization to activate PTZ control?

No matter what I try I can't get panning to work at all. I use the same exact configuration as in CAVU and that works perfectly and Haiku not at all.

CAVU config:

Address: xx.xx.xx.xx
Port: pppp
User name: User
Password: Password

This works perfectly

Haiku Config:

Address: http://xx.xx.xx.xx:pppp (Haiku will not work without the http:// like others do and port is on same line after the colon)
User: User
Password: Password (same exact user and pwd as CAVU and it is an admin)
PTZ: Panasonic

1-8 preset show up on bottom but do nothing and swiping the image does nothing

But the same exact config in CAVU and Total Control work fine so I only can assume it is an Haiku issue.

I can give you an externally accessible IP (and setup a user) if you want to see it for yourself.
Newbie to HAI Omni Pro2 and the HAI Haiku App. Can't get the Omni Thermostats to appear on my Ipad2 Haiku app. Have been able to create a button on PC Access and it shows up on the app. Any suggestions?
Make sure you've set a short name for the thermostat in PC Access and uploaded the names to the controller, then clear the cache in Haiku.
lupinglade said:
Make sure you've set a short name for the thermostat in PC Access and uploaded the names to the controller, then clear the cache in Haiku.
My short name is TSAT1 & TSAT2. I uploaded "write to the controller" and cleared the Haiku cache again and still do not see the thermostats in the Haiku app. Any other suggestions? 
Make sure you're not using the default name (which is really no name). Also check that that Haiku is not restricted to a particular area in the controller settings in Haiku.
lupinglade said:
Make sure you're not using the default name (which is really no name). Also check that that Haiku is not restricted to a particular area in the controller settings in Haiku.
Thanks, changed the name and set the local area and now it works!!!
Is it possible to see all of my audio zones on Haiku app or just be able to command "All On, All Off, Unmute All, Mute All". In PC Access under the Extended Setup => HiFi2, I entered the IP address and port #. Is there something else I need to do?